etpro cvar suggestion

to complement b_helmetprotection I propose the following cvar values:

b_helmetprotection 2 - helmet completely protects head, 0 damage while helmet is on, helmet can only be blown off by satchel or dyno.

b_helmetprotection 3 - same as 2 only helmet protects the whole body too.

k, gn
Sounds like a nice idea.
why would a helmet protect a whole body? o_O

also maybe you haven't worked it properly but it seems you mean when the helmet is on you can't give head damage?? errrrrrrrrrm
It will be very, very big.

Edit: yes, the helmet will completely nullify any damage to the head until it's dynamited or, more practically, satchelled.
yes, ill take covert ops in defence of goldrush and try to hit one enemy per 30 seconds to damage his helmet, or noes, ill plant dynamite on the right part of tank, thats exactly where engi will come 30 seconds later to fix the tank. hopefully he will loose his helmet.
new config imo
nice, I like

will make covert ops more useful in the game
Where would you want to use this? Maybe on some fun pub... but the etpro guys won't do it then.
good thinking m8
what about b_helmetprotection 4 - medics need to be backstabbed before they can actually be shot in the head (because of the helmet, obviously)
b_helmetprotection 4 - helmet reflects bullets back, imo.
b_helmetprotection 5 - helmet reflects bullets to enemy that reflects them to you and the bullets will be going liek
to the end of the round
b_helmetprotection 1 helmet protects head, and needs one (extra) headshot to be blown off <--might already be ;o
b_helmetprotection 2 helmet protects head, and needs infinite (extra) headshots to be blown off. Helmet vulnerable to satchels and other explosives.
pm clanbase
Or join omnibot or some other mod for ET!!!!
Having additional body armour at spawn would be nice. It would be even nicer if you could pick between lots of different armours so you could all look different and have more or less armor. Ofc some people will always want the super armor, so we will have to introduce some kind of monetary system. Each frag will award you with some cash wich can be used to buy additional armor every spawn, even extra ammo etc.

But then people with armour would be so much heavier so they cant run as fast as normal guys. Ofc they can run around with knife of pistol to go faster. But then the pistols arent powerfull enough to fight with, so lets add some extra guns. I realy like the desert eagle so if you have enough money you can buy it, along with extra ammo etc.

Just to balance things out you would have to make the game 5o5 and make the rounds much shorter. You would also have only one life every round.
How about you create a new game?
nice and easy way to convert et to cs :P
I think your idea is total bullshit, just like the idea suggested by this journal. But maybe etpro should reduce satcheldefuse time, as i have never seen anybody come near to defusing a satchel. Just touching it with plyers should be enough to defuse it.
Great idea dude.
Je bent weer op dreef.
Overdrijf je nu niet een beetje?
Great idea dude.
and then the axis coat would flutter while running and people should learn to handle the fluttering so the coat won't stick to door handle?
As long as it requires skill i think it should be added to the game. [+] for you my friend. Personally i would like to shoot nades and panzerfausts with my gun. I also wish to add three extra classes to ET: the armorer, the priest and the fisherman. Along with sidequests and raids. Every team would have a fireteam commander who would have extra powers like charm of protection giving everybody in his area extra hitpoints. The fireteamcommander can step out of his body to see what is happening on other places of the map, but this would make him very vulnerable as his body would be standing on the map, idling, ready to be shot. I also would like to add a gravity needle to the medic class, wich would allow you to run up against walls and even ceilings.
b_helmetprotection 1337 - when you lose helmet, you have extra ability to kill enemy with 1 bullet.
Unless enemy has armor of helmetprotection or uses devine intervention.
make it so that helmet can only be dropped by the player itself (by choosing weaponbank 10 and then pressing +activate)

Helmet would:

Give +140HP
Make your head unhittable (would remove head hitbox)
would reduce 80% of Every damage done to your other hitboxes
would reduce 120% of every damage done to your other hitboxes by explosions
would give u x-ray lenses. (it means you are able to see trough walls.)
some players wont have an advantage with this settings
They've had the advantage for too long anyway.
wait. that feature is already in betatesting by polishs.
agreed and rifle nades should kill atleast 3 people even when its not near an enemy.
b_helmetprotection 4 - headshots doesn't give damage, but heals instead.

/are you high?
helmet protects all your body and you have super ammos wich give 10000% damage when they hit, but you have to plant 10 dynos to top of oasis palm trees, eat your dog and run a maraton to get this helmet! and it would also make you invisible, give noclip, wh, aimbot, endless ammos & sprint, and this helmet would be @ ONE PLAYER at same time @ whole world!!

good idea, comments?
b_helmetprotection 3 - same as 2 only helmet protects the whole body too.

So, as protection 2 makes you get 0 damage to the head unless you get hit by a satchel or dyno... 3 would mean that it would be impossible to hurt anyone with any other weapon than satchel or dyno :D:D

Was this a joke or are you genuinely stupid? :D
You have the same flag as Rain
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