hangover solution?!?

if you had a great friday with lots of alcohol and all shit mixed up and after u woke up with huuge hangover and suffer this shit feeling, what do you do?

most common stuff for me:

- aspirin(very rarely)
- water (don't really enjoy it that much:D)
- beer (best way to get over the hangover, but ull eventually get drunk again)
- energy drinks (helpful, mostly i drink them when i suffer)
- kakao (is that even an english word?, yummy)


- fast food (mcdonalds pizza shit like that)


image: epic-hangover-demotivational-poster-1219322019
more alcohol
stop drinking cheap booze :D:DD
doesn't matter if its cheap or expensive if you mix vodka with beer and shitloads of cocktails in ze club
honestly always used to do that, wodka bull, sambucca, beer, soft drinks, never really had a bad hangover even when I was really shitfaced :<
nice for you them, go QL?
it does make a huge difference whether you drink absolut or finlandia vodka... or uranov vodka XD
it does when you only drink vodka, like russian standart platinum or some shit unknown vodka

but thing is when u mix shit up, u know
what makes u ill, makes u better.
more alcohol
hangovers are for weak :pppppppppp
hell be more likely to be dead than have a hangover

e: a shower usually works for me
Make sure you drink enough water (or even milk) before you got to sleep, preferably eat some fatty foods too (if I remember correctly fat helps breaking down alcohol). Drink more water each time you wake up for a piss.
milk before u go to sleep [yes]
milk when u wake up [hell NOOOOO] ;D
i heard that thing about milk, you drink it when last vodka shot was made an hour ago or smth(or any alcohol, obviously)
drink milk 1 hour before u go to bed
here's what you do.
you go to a burger place near your home but not mcd or hesburger. you buy a big juicy om nom burger with good sauce etc and a bottle of carbonated water. finish the meal and you are ready for another night out with your best buds.
also energy drinks are shit because they are diuretics and you are already in desperate need of watar so.
most common stuff for me:

- aspirin(very rarely)

trolled hard

and well, I usually eat fast food too if I have a huge hanogver
why trolled hard

aspirin actually helps if ur head breaks apart
most common

very rarely
yea kinda mixed that up, still a solution:D
It depends if you really back into sober condition, agree

if you are still a bit drunk it will fuck you up, medicines + alcohol ain't a good combo xD
or you can just be born the way that you never have hangover :D
thats because ur mom was drinking whiskey in labor.
polaks can't afford whisky
Or don't drink and go out !
i drink milk :p
Take a dump
Take a nap
after party drink as much water as possible
wake up



hangover finished
Today I read from a finnish-site that one way is to drink quality-booze, because you can't afford to drink so much. Makes sense.
sleeping is the biggest help
drink a lot of water and eat smth with a lot of fat, i like that cheap pre-made lasagne the most actually.
most of the things you suggested - like energy drinks, beer and in my opinion even aspirin - are crap and just make it worse.
to avoid it, drink water before you go to sleep, if possible drink a glass of water between the alcohol and drinking quality stuff also helps.
and if you 'have to' drink again while you are hungover and are actually not able to drink any beer/vodka... start with wine, always helped for me and made me feel better and switch later.
you care about quality drinks and not about quality food ? man :/
you gotta have priorities :p
even though i can't always afford quality drinks either :D
yea. Priorities like Sleep > Good food&drinks > music > Gaming&nerdiness > car > studies & real life > movies/cinema. :P
never had an hangover in my life
yes because ur a jew and its forbidden in israel to drink until ur 40 or whatever, you have fun sitting infront of computer at friday and saturday, playing computer games and spamming gaming site.
as far as im concerned, it's exactly what you do
this, sir, was a whole lot of nothing.
see, now you're making it look as if drinking alcohol was cool :/
i don't know how to reply to that, you tell me
I try to drink as much water as possible before I go to sleep, usually worked for me but since some weeks im still feeling shit on the next day.. taking a shower, drinking water, ...
nimm ne magnesiumpille davor, das hilft gut
vorm schlafengehen oder vorm saufen?
vorm schlafengehen mit dem wasser
wie man aber manchmal nix mehr macht ausser ins bett zu fallen...
das ist schlecht :O
drink water + aspirine before going to bed
np at all

if u still feel like shit try this:
eating some food helps the stomach(as long as you dont puke)
everything apart from staying home/inside
had a hangover yesterday and felt like shit, so I just started to drink fucking much water and aftwards i layed down in a nice bath for like 3 hours!
drink loads of water and smoke weed
joint is solution
just drink another beer (im opening 4th atm)
Water water water.
Dunno what's wrong with most of u but I drink the same amount of alcohol as my friends , but I have never had a hangover in my life :D
drink beer, it work 4 sure
Knock a pint of water down you when you get home. Eat banana for potassium and another glass of water before you go to bed so you wake up needing a piss. Drink another glass when you wake up then. Hopefully that'd minimize your hangover, then drink some green tea (which is known for helping repair your body a bit [liver etc] and generally making you feel better). Drinking green tea while still under the influence of alcohol gives the opposite effect :))

Well what ever u do,don:t drink water!!! coz u gonna end up the same like u were last night.

Eat bananas :P

Drink milk

or simply drink a glass of what made u
smile last night.
Drink 2 glasses of water before you go sleep.
beer & chinese food = win
fresh air helps for me
Come on cf vent late at night and sober up before you sleep
eat salat and drink much
eating some food helps the stomach(as long as you dont puke)
everything apart from staying home/inside
baked eggs and orange juice

no joke
puke before you go to sleep!!!
just et play et and it will be ok
heringe (fish, dno english name)
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