Cheater filter

Is it coming or not? Otherwise this new system seems to be pointless.

Sorry if there were already journal about this but after all I don't care.
nerd mad
also need ex-cheaters filter, im 100% you can fit there
mad cause i see retards like u on this site

wow, i used random pubcheat 2007 i must be banned forever
calling me retard while getting busted :D n1
so fucking retarded, why you are over me? because u won EC?
because i didnt cheat in matches?? u fucking lowbob use cheats cause ur too noob to play the game. thats sad u poor polak. get some zyklon-b and pass away, bye.
difference of match and pub game? still same shit
btw show me where i cheated while 'match'
ye, its the same if u use doping for fun or for olympic games :DDDDDDDDDDD how stupid you arE??
internet = real life i see
shame that IQ of 90% fintards is equal to length of pencil, im so worried about it
nice comeback

sorry but i wont go further with u, this is what i get when talking to polaks :l
wow, you are getting mad so fast :D
Obviously there's a differnce between matches (or cups) and random fun play. Public play has no rewards or prizes (even if only glory and fame), whereas some tournaments (mostly offline ones though) even have cash prizes. Random practice wars still have the "we won over these guys as a team" -effect, unlike public play where there are no real winners or losers. Stop being retarded.

So to put it short, when cheating in a match you cheat to win something. When cheating on publix you cheat for fun. At least most of the time. Of course there are some noobs who cheat on publics because they really can't play otherwise (the kind of noobs who have never heard of competitive play and still use the default crosshair), but that doesn't mean anything, as we're talking about your average "proscene" player here.
Really, are you serious? I mean, Polandimage: cheater
go write for newspaper when u gonna use capitals
Running out of arguments, eh?
no im not running out but
1) u are retard
2) Finland
3) using capital in every sentence
4) there is no difference in cheating on public and while match. but you fintards are like copperfield, you can see invisible things
I don't see how any of those are problems. As for the last one, even Clanbase gives bans of different lengths depending on whether the cheating occured on public or in a match. There certainly is a difference.
havent you noticed i dont care about your text for new newspaper called "Burneddi and his Fintard life"?
Seemingly you do, as you keep responding to me.
you should be banned for racist mr.
why so? its like saying 'hang yourself'... but method is using zyklon-b, i dont see any racism
it is wrong to call ppl 'poor polak'
huh if u call that racism...
No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste is recognized by God. He is the Maker of all mankind. All men are of one family by creation, and all are one through redemption. Christ came to demolish every wall of partition, to throw open every compartment of the temple, that every soul may have free access to God. His love is so broad, so deep, so full, that it penetrates everywhere"
(Christ's Object Lessons, 386).
God doesn't exist though.
Oh? *My* supernatural imaginary being approves racism and discrimination of polaks and niggers. What you gonna do now?
QuoteHis love is so broad, so deep, so full, that it penetrates everywhere

Was that 2007?
sry, i lied. it was the beginning of 2008

still 2,5 years ago
Was just wondering.
comment ignored ????
i can see what u mean
stfu slac dodger!!!!!!!!!
Definitely something I would like to see realized, yes.
All great things take time
ignore /!\ doesnt work yet :(
says who???
"Unban [insert random low+ max here]"-filter, please
stfu slac dodger!!!!!!!!!
just ignore them, you dont need any button or anything for that unless you are dumb
i wont start to ignore them one by one, filter is fine and shouldnt be impossible

i dont want to see red triangles on this site and see them getting more and more attention
that "attention" they get now will soon disappear and I suppose they will become ignored by more and more people. you can see how hated they are now, ppl always shouting at them "cheater!" etc. before they were here too, but with their fake accounts,so you even didnt know they are here.
I know that filter would be possible, tho.. as long as its not here, its not that hard to skip cheater topics and cheater comments.
Is it so hard to just ignore them?
just ban them all-.-
agreed, especially for people like grzesiek
» The user has been succesfully reported.
I think the experiment of unbanning cheaters has failed. They proved themself unable to create non-retarded content.
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