nub asks: Final Fantasy 13

Ordered FF13 for 20€ since I have recently gotten myself a PS3.

I've got a little question to the guys who have finished or even 100%ed the game:

Please, without any spoiler, are there any things where I COULD screw up my save from going 100% (much like FF10, could never get Anima on my first save because I missed him and later on an optional boss was in the way that was too hard for me without anima <3), and if yes, could you please tell me without spoilers at which points in the game I should open my eyes and double check anything?

You're awesome!
I don't want to tell too much, all I can I say is that during Chapter IV you should watch out for Snow Villiers and Serah Farron and always watch out that everyone survives, otherwise the boss may be pretty difficult.
Thanks, m8, I'll remember that (though usually if I have optional side goals like "help everyone survive" I try to 100% follow that task) :)
You're welcome. As a very dedicated FF player it's always nice to help fellow players out.
As a very dedicated FF player I suggest you check out the Persona series - it helped me big time filling out the gap between FF10 and FF13 :)
nope u cant really miss something important.. game is completly linear and every weapon u miss u can buy later in the game anyways. the only thing u can really miss is a nice levelspot in the end ( if u pass buy u cant return) but thats it.
I remember in one of the FF, there was a stage you couldn't pass if you did not kill a certain monster earlier in the game. You had to begin all over to pass it.
I've finished all except 12... I can't remember something like that, can you find out what it was? News to me :P
It was on some gaming live, on a French website. Can link you if you want.
Sorry I do not touch french things
was it ff 8?
Can't remember. I just remember it was the gaming live of FF XII, and the player said "yea, in this one you won't have any problem anymore like in the ff ** when you was blocked blablabla".
Just play it again if you can't handle it on first time ;)
It's not about not being able to handle it. It's just a huge nuisance to beat the strongest optional bosses if you're lacking some of the strongest equipment - no Anima means no Magus Trio, no Magus Trio means no Ultimaweapon for Yuna etc. etc.
That was pretty annoying in X, so I'd like to avoid that in 13... I usually have no problems with optional bosses, hugely enjoyed screwing Ruby Weapon in FF7 <3
Yeah, I know what you mean. Had to battle Sephiroth in FF7 without limitbreak (or what was it, Clouds best move...) Took ages and many tries.
Though there they warn you to take a save point before it, I remember that because recently I've replayed it. It's simply not as naughty as some other spots :P but yes if you only had a safe inside the crater it failed
Can't remember. Me and my friend bought it on the same day and we had an epic battle of who can finish it first :D (I did)
You should have gone with "Who can beat Ruby Weapon first" and simply ignore the bet. He would have nerded it hard to win <3
So you used the ultimate spell "Knights of round" for ruby and emerald weapon ?
I beat him in two different ways... one was to set HP Absorb with Knights of the Round and to counter with Mimic, use Knights of the Round once, get a Sandwich...

the other way was to get Hero Drinks, Counter with Mimic and having 4x-Slash equipped
Thats boring , i remember how i faced emerald first time under water and was kinda suprised that he survived clouds ultimate limit. After that i level my chars up to level 99 and won vs him w/o any overpowered spells like 4x - slash. It took me about 1 hour and some mega elixirs but i was freaking happy :X God i guess i will play the game again you can btw play it on PS3 aswell :P If you want to. Was the best FF game ever.
4x Slash isn't overpowered. Lucky 7 is overpowered. In case you never had lucky 7:
Of course i had it , i played this game like 7 times with 100 % achievement. Countless hours of leveling and getting the best substances for the bosses :P I still wait for a PS3 remake but i guess that it will never happen. But i never came up with this idea :x
It was very nice that you could combine the magic spells etc. etc. It left space for ideas like this, yes, I had done this, but with Cloud's level 4 :)
my only experience with FF13 is that ii just heard a lil girl whining on vent everytime a boss killed her
rockskin :) one thing to say FUUUU
there is nothing rly u can miss but at least never sell any accesories/weapons and so on :)
waiting for gran turismo 5

image: gran-turismo-5-prologue-20080328045654594_screen001
I came buckets.
make sure your leveled up to the max you can before you try to kill a boss otherwise you will have some huge trouble doing it :) i remember having to spend like 10 hours just killing stuff over and over cause i was too low level to kill the boss :(
Is it rly that hard in FF13? I remember that it was always easygoing to play through the main quest of FF by just never fleeing from battles :/
well it depends cause some ways you can just miss battles by walking past the monsters cause sometimes the fights can go on for a while and you really cant be bothered to do it again :D but if you kill everything you will fine but i just remember 1st proper boss fight is impossible without leveled up
Looks good, FF will live forever.
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