British Empire vs HRBIH

image: ADSC05367

Today the Croatian army led by mali have once again completely destroyed the British Empire by a total score of 14-0.

First it started off with a massive push against Lord Griim and his mighty half-sleeping peasants where we won on the rather-known battlefield supply depot. However next map we we're removed from the server due to massive ownage especially from "mali" who gave away almost 70 headshots most of them however went to Lord Griim which likely was the reason why he removed us from the server.

Next battlefield was played on supply, goldrush, aldernest, radar, delivery & finally karsiah against ALMIGHTY which was led by kamz and his so-called almighty troopers including supervising clanbase admin Homer. However this time bumblebee led the war and completely destroyed the British empire or you might call them the Indian Tribe.
With suVi as main tactic analyzer this couldn't go wrong, map over map we were giving precise tactic and positions from suVi also known as Vedran among the Sleeping peasants.

The show must go on, and again map after map we show them the mightly croatian flag with a slice of a small bosnian touch how to fight among the finest in this game.

danL the mighty almost viking-like Croatian spammed them to hell, with nades coming from everywhere, randomness that made them confused, random headshots that made them confused and finally made them leave and surrender their Almighty server to us.

The Croatian Federal BIH army was: Calisto, suVi, frozz, danL, praskoO and finally bumblebee/mali.

Lord Griim, be aware. Be very aware.
aren't you like the 5th (worst) mix team after krp/skk/tag/dave?
we've beaten them all :o
More times than they've bashed you? I don't think so.
How Can you say so when you've never seen us paly? :D
this so tdlr
Just had to share this

image: polandbros2

OMG: epic:
what is this i dont even
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