
i got an appointment but its fucking raining..

option 1: 5min with the train and walk 1hour++ with umbrella (10min with bycicle to trainstation)
option 2: 45min with bycicle (got a sexy rainsuit =)

what would you do =(
option 1
follow the safety car
walk with umbrella because u'll be soaking wet with bicycle
option 1 + stop a car and ask whether he could drive you there
yeah...that doesn't work with men
lol it does sometimes i think :p
no :s?
nop xD just take the bus or walk
lol both shit options, buy a car.
option 3: forever alone in the rain
option 1 fo sho
3) taxi obviously
Don't you have public transportation?
10 minutes by bike and you will be just as wet as 45min. So I would take the bike.
Or the bus :X
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