hard ping probs

good morning cf
got a heavy ping problem for 3-4 weeks and i dont know why
i allready called the hotline and they tested it: upload and download rate are normal but ping is like 300 and theres a packet loss prob.
so they sent me a new modem, but the prob still exists
can it be my network card?
did anyone of u have the same prob?
(ofc i made a systemcheck with avira antivir, but the only thing it found was slac :S)
so pls help me cf!
randomgirl will be added if u help me

the ping probs start like 5 mins after i connect
so in the first 5 mins my ping is normal and then starts to grow
U got cable internetz right? switch it to ADSL and everything is allright :)
hei pieni fin
had the same
-> we changed inet and now it works perfectly ;D
There are some servers(5%) where your ping is ok , right ?
If yes I had the same with my cable inet, for 1-2months.
Change to ADSL.
need more info's

type of connection, speed, wlan or ethernet cable etc
Operating system
start -> run cmd ... tracert www.heise.de screenshot
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