CF admins do their work as promised!

hahah they changed my previous journal "Flashpoint PL admin is a Wh0*eson" into
"Flashpoint PL admin is not nice" :D

admins do good work, i dont wanna flame their work. just had to smile :)

so hail to our CF admins!

ps: help me get 1000 profile hits finally :D the one who gives 1000th profile hit will receive a shoutout :DDDD
+2years on CF and <1000hits
n00b :S
what's your point
24/7 on CF and <6000 hits...
nearly 5 years and less than 400 :(
i dont have 1000 hits ... makes it me less pro?
ye they should have just revoked your rights instantly
thats y you r only CB admin? :D
clicked on ur profile friend :) hope u get 1000hits soon
yay thanks! gave you one more too (although you dont need it haha :D)
get lost
admin (Frop) editing title of my journal to make his job easier :x
they changed mine from "omg WALLPAPERS omg" to "very nice wallpapers"

le wut?!
maybe they think omg = oh my genitals WALLPAPER oh my genitals and then change :DDD
They're just styling on yall! Best admins are h3ll, frop, Baggiez (he's low in ET tho), seanza and solllllll
eh fuu 999 hitter
we love cf admins
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