my mouse is finaly dead :(

image: paskahiiri

I destroyed my mouse :(

image: RageFace2
Is that black thing the wire?
y? :D raged hard?
chopped up wire? .. no wonder its dead
Smashing it to bits and cutting the cord usually does the trick.
stupid nerd getting mad over internets :XD
angry nerd is angry
looks overclocked
He lost 1o1 duel vs FinlandReakkeri and because of that, he raped his mouse. So sad. :(
image: 72398_167544039938919_100000499717430_523994_6512762_n
everything went better than expected
red heating light :D
lulL! does that work well? and how much did you pay for it? ive been suffering from cold hands since forever when playing :l
lol this is a leftover from my dead grandma, didnt buy it :D

edit: yeah, works like a charm
i thought it would be nerdy to buy a mousepad for 40€


this.. rofl :D
lol zerender xD that goes a bit far :p
well, i have my desk lamp which keeps my fingers warm, tbh it cames so hot that i can't touch it at all but from nice distance it rocks. Gotta love warm fingers! =)
The fuck, never thought bout that. Should buy one as well!
i am soon going to sell them as mousebungees, interested?
für was brauchst denn das? :D
pulsating led is heating enough :E
you killed it!
this is my third mx518, bought yesterday. Age of my mouse is like 3-6 months
fix the cord or send them back to logitech and you will have 3 working mx518
I guess it's the common problem where your mouse keeps shutting on and off?

The problem is located where the wire is entering the shell of the mouse. All you need to do is to cut and throw away 2-3cm of this wire. Then solder the rest of the wire back together... I've said this many times and I've also tried it myself. It works.

My guess is that the problem only occurs when you play with low sensitivity and using your mouse a lot.
what actually is soldering? how do you solder a cable? ) :
I just took a random picture on how soldering could look like...
image: stock-photo-connection-electrical-cable-through-the-soldering-15821518
you might be familiar with it when it comes to creating electrical chips.

You simply melt 2 pieces of metal together with a metal called tin and a soldering-iron.
To solder a cable you will have to strip off the cable insulation (the plastic or rubber part that is covered around the cable) without cutting through the metal threads that are in it!

I'm quite willing to do a tutorial about this because there has been so many that have had the same problem.

edit: this is an easy fix if you have the right equipment and it should work on any mouse.
yeah the problem is I don't have the right equipment ; (

but thanks for explaining so exhaustively, a tutorial would surely be appreciated
I have a 5 year old mx 510 that doesn't work anymore. Anyone think they'll give me a new one? I believe there was such a thread some time ago.
angry nerd is angry
yep :( very
shit mouse is shit :(
u should get sued for this inapropriet behavior to the mouse

poor mx518 , i use mine for 4 years and handling it wit hcare <3,3
Perhaps so. The guy in Man City didn't deserve the red card... the red card should have gone to this guy.
that's sad
so, you've got a deadmau5 there!
FINALLY! shit mouse is shit.. get a deathadder :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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