new mouse =(

k so after a few years, my deathadder finally took it's last breathe after a brutal beating :D
so i'm considering by another deathadder or some other mouse

no pix of my demolished mouse since i threw it in my neighbors yard

so cf, i need some suggestions as to what mouse i should buy

image: nerd-rage
ms intelli 3.0! all the way!
heard this one was quite good, dont you miss the buttons on the side?
it has 2 buttons on the side!

and thats enough for me!
oh! then i will buy it the next time i buy a mouse
ye do it, it is really nice!

i was in need of a new one, after i raged my old xD

and i had a copperhead before, logitech pilot optical, and so it was time for a new one!

intelli <3

it was really a nice choice!
+ isnt that expansive as other logitech mouses
well media markt tried to betray me :/

i paid 30€, u can get a mx518 for the same or less at amazon!

they wanted 48€ for a mx518! and i was like wtf?!?

and again intelli<3
we dutchies have tweakers with pricewatch that gives the cheapest price

paid 60 euros for my headset

media markt: 140 euros :D
we got pricerunner too!

but i destroyed mine a day before an offi xd so i was in need of quick help xD

saturn didnt have an intelli, and mx for same price as media, so i went to media markt, not knowing that it was so expensive there too.

then i went for 30€
hate that pic,so disturbing
alot of people raging mouses
How can u rage and throw ur mouse?! I mean keyboard n screen is ok.. but mouse? no way never ever
its easy to break your mouse due to rage :(
did it several times, read in my profile what i raged already :DDDDD
go for it again. its the best mouse ive ever tried. a good alternative, although I FUCKING HATE THIS BEAST (but i bought it 8D) is the mx518. it just feels cheap to me. but deathadder ftw! or maybe a roccat? heard theyre pretty good, but cost a shitload of money.
try razer diamondback 3g otherwise, pretty nice as well, but not your cup of tea after a deathadder!
deathadder/zowie ec1/ec2
EC2 is actually any good?
same as the ec1, different shape. Smaller / ligther. I'd go for the EC2 anytime :)

I don't get how you can recommend the DA nowadays, the retarded glossy sides makes it too annonying to lift, and the weight repartition of the mouse sucks asses :/ <- this is for h8m3 :) 2 replies in 1 lulz !!!!!
Don't the EC mice have glossy sides as well?
well, mine was modified a bit :D
drilled holes in the inner shell + cut some other useless plastic = 10 or15 g lighter than original and less heavy back
also glued grippy sides(cut from the tape for tennis racket)

but honestly those things you've listed never annoyed me much, i modded it coz i was bored
yeah i like it
it's like a smaller DA(still quite heavy tho) with more vertical sides, they're glossy idd, but easier to hold than DA
Got it today, kind of like the shape. Even though the sides are glossy they grip quite well. Sensor feels nice but would expect that from 3060 (lift-off distance is idd low). Kind of like the mouse wire as well, doesn't have much memory.
talon world of dorkcraft powner
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