A request to CF!

My dear crossfire-users,
I just had an application in a local, well-known computer firm.
they invited me to another meeting on the 2nd of november.

then they are going to ask me about everything related to newest hardware/software, anything you could possibly ask, if you dont know already (imagine, you are selling hardware)

What i ask from you, is not much.
Please think about the most annoying question, you could imagine, if you were in the position of a guy/girl, who doesn't know anything about computers/hardware, but wants to buy something, whether it is just a part or the whole thing.
Also, if you ever wanted to know something special like how does that work or what is that for blabla.
there are no stupid questions, only interesting ones, i want to answer.
this should be a good training for me and I can imagine, you guys know a lot.

Please help me out with this.
Just one question.

I won't answer right away since i have to take time for reading actual magazines and news. Please be patient.

E: If you want to know how it feels to be a FUCKING CHEATER, read my statement in my FUCKING profile

e; 2nd basshunter lookalike on crossfire.
70% of your picture is deleted in your profile sir!
thanks for the info mate :~>
windows xp
ive used XP from beginning. i changed it to win7 a couple of weeks ago and i must say..this OS is rly awesome
Ask netcoders staff.
Looks retarded, don't know why.
okay... i want to record music on a computer (not only electronic, but also rock and stuff. so guitars and bass should be recorded as well)

what do i need for it?

actually you can use the mic-port (the red one) to plug in that kinda stuff, quality is gonna be crap tough.

if you want real good sound you will need a hardware solution, which type of can vary, depending on the location you live in or the local music hardware distributor's product range.

basically, that hardware thing can either be plugged in an usb-port or into a decent sound-card. there are also some fire-wire solutions available.

could look like this

M-audio seems to be well known in this branch
sounds good to me! although i would now know what to do now tbh if had no idea about it. but good advice and the important hardware is mentioned.

just for additional info if you r interested:

m audio is sure one of the names that can offer a solution, maybe better for instrument recording such as guitars/bass etc is Line6. but m audio is a good start and offer nice equipment to start with.

most important thing: an audio interface to plug the instrument in. that`s about it. get a DAW (digital audio workstation such as cubase, nuendo, logic, etc) / host and all the sound can be generated virutally within in the DAW using different kind of software (Line6 again, Softube does good stuff, and of course Native Instruments).

good luck with your questions!
yea, line6 is known to me.
only reason i said m-audio is because ive seen the firm, im applying for is selling those.
austrias best music store "klangfarbe" tough has decent quality of anything you could imagine.
they have much stuff of line6 in the guitar section.
thank you for the explanation but uhm..
the DAW now is a hardware tool like a synth?
and the software is used on the OS?
that is what u meant i suppose?
nope, the DAW is the program in which you do all your recordings, have plug ins and have the vsti`s (which are synths). just the place to record, also called host (cubase logic etc).
oh the program then i understand
this ofc is very specific but its interesting to know for future when i get my decent amp and recording stuff :)
what decent amp then?

well if you wanna record hardware based, i recommend you "pro tools" as host. because with a real decent amp (mostly they dont have a recording out, but if, it sounds crap anyway :D) you will need to mic your amp. basically it doesnt matter what host resp. daw you use, but pro tools is well known for being the best hardware based daw.
honestly i dunno. guess i will have to try out a lot.
my guitar aint that "pro" its an epiphone Les Paul Custom, so to find the right sound for me i will need to try many AMPs there :)
and whatever recording device i will use, this is a very far future from now on (1-2 years, when i have time)
epiphone Les Paul Custom will sound good into anything. good guitar, no matter what. could also be used by a pro :D

good luck then!
yea i love this guitar! its what i always wanted!!
just had an argument on crossfire some time ago where somebody stated that ive bought a bad gibson copy and i was like THE FUCK MAN THIS GUITAR IS GREAT idc if its nike or lacoste or epiphone so thats why i said "pro".
nah it was a noob guitar player then. sry. :D
i mostly play ibanez and ESP guitars, love all the heavy stuff, but a gibson or an epiphone cannot be wrong. its just a reliable superb guitar, nothing to complain about it. les paul more than sg though. exchange some parts on your epiphone and its almost a gibson quality monster :)
yes and see, this customizing stuff also..everything at a time. not now since i dont even have a proper amp this would be a waste i will just wait :)
garin laughed hard cuz of this journal :)
why i have to buy a video card ? (smartest question)
the computers's processor re-calculates the binary code of the software/programs and sends it to the graphics card, which elements and software will re-encode this information into a proper, visual signal, which will be sent to your display device in order to become the picture, you are looking at right now.
fuck community
In your opinion, what is the best graphics card at the present time?

Also, I know a lot of people struggle to match up Motherboards + CPU's so u culd explain smth about that.
thank you, i will take a look into the newest hardware and try to find the proper answer for that in a couple of days, when ive had time to dive in.
how to install a printer
plug the usb cable into the computer, get the specific software, win
i have a network printer, how do i setup this one on my gentoo linux 10.1 amd64?
i'm not and probably never will be into linux at all.
if i was a newb, which is interested, i would use this guide:
anyway this is not going to be part of what i apply for and i suppose you already know the right answer i wont dive into the diversity of linux-based operations :) sorry for that!
cheating is awesome
My notebook is constantly overheating, what can i do to decrease the temperature ???

(hardware/software related).
depends on what kind of surface, you have your notebook.
i suppose you have it placed on your desk, otherwise, if you use it while in bed, of course, there cant be much air circulation. for if the cooler is at the bottom, id recommend you buying rubber feet, which will allow the notebook to get some fresh air from below too, while using it on the desk. also you should find specific software to read out the temps and maybe check on the internet if users are experiencing the same problem with the very exact model.
worst scenario: swap the cooler, you can buy one (price question tough?!)
are cooler pads any useful or a waste of money? are there any better "hardware" alternatives to cooler pads, if i don't wanna swap the complete cooler?
from what ive checked right now, cooler master seems to have massive products in padform for around 19-28 euro, which can be powered by USB. using a cooler with external powersupply would be a waste id say. theres also stuff from zalman..
uuhm..from what ive read, those notebook coolers obviously really do help and can help your system stay stable in a longtermed view. i should also say that there are passive pads available also. the ones i described are active with integrated fans.
specific models should be tested in the first place tough (on how they perform and if they have enough power to really cool your specific system)
How can I be good at et?
dont play public
find a decent clan

try velocity's guide
I keep pressing the Power button but my computer won't start up (True life Helpdesk question)
here is what i would do:
1)check, if the power cable is properly inside, if there is any broken thing whatsoever
2)remove the bios battery
3)check RAM (try one by one, also in different slots)
4)is anything on the mainboard working? lights, beeping,... etc
5)is the cpu cooler spinning?
6)if there is no action at all, try de-attaching every single, special device like graphics card, Harddisk, any other volumes, cardreaders etc. then try to start computer. if there is action, probably one of those devices is faulty.
7)maybe the powersupplydevice is not working. try swapping it with another (it could also lack in power, depends on system)
actually if its NetherlandsSpero that has this problem, first 3 solution advice must be:

1) did you plug your computer into a power socket?

2) do you actually have a computer?!

3) DUDE, how many times do i have to tell you, this is no computer:

image: gameboyv

1) i answered correctly :P
NP guys I've worked at a helpdesk the problem was that she didn't have it on the main power (Stupid peeps are stupid) + Nice Pic of my Comp Lucky that can run ET :D
i read spree first, omg i thought he was back :DD
You say that every time
Sometimes my computer wont shut down on the first try. Sometimes I have to give it 2-4 tries until it really shuts down. It just keeps restarting the computer.

Why is that and what can I do about it?:/ (This really does happen and is a real problem.)
here is what i would do:

1) buy a new computer but keep the old one.
2) from now on, use ONLY the old one for googling porn.
3) done.

Well. Thats exactly what I'm going to do.
Never bothered to ask from anyone about this and what can I do to it, but since he asked about such problems I decided to give it a try.

My computer sucks anyways so gonna buy a new one in couple of months.
did you try formatting? because i would assume this problem is OS based, there could be a software failure. what OS are you using and did this start from the beginning or simply by random?
I have XP, but I have formatted many times after it started happening. Didn't start from beginning.

Good luck in your meeting.
im sorry i cant help you more this is always trial/error thing :/
thank you.
stopped reading after: /!\
Silly idea to post here when you have /!\ no one will take you serious :\
some people will and did already
Good Luck tho maite
thank you :)
Sometimes, after the game just started (after rupping), my screen freezes for some seconds where I can't do shit. Is it possible that Windows update has to do something with it? (noticed that the windows updater is busy when it happened)
try rupping with the standard etconfig
if the screen doesnt freeze, its config related (hunkmegs maybe?)
if there is still a freeze there might ofc be some software related issues like the winupdate you mentioned, im afraid i cannot narrow this down, the information is just too generic
well usually it just works fine. No problems. On my old computer I never had that problem as well. :x Only sumtimes this happens, usually I ALWAYS notice the windows updater sign when it happened.
why the heck does it always autoupdate when u press F3 then :D
id say turn off autoupdating, set it to "Benachrichtigen, wenn neue Updates verfügbar sind" (so in etwa ausm gedächtnis) then it wont autodownload, instead it will notify you and you choose wisely when you want do download and install that update.
good idea. Might give it a try and see if the freezing still happens. Thank you
you are very welcome.
thank you too
maybe you confuse screen freeze with brain freeze. i noticed that a lot of girls get a brain freeze when i press F3. or a bit smaller but same looking button-kind-of-things on their bodies. :DDD
well be assured I considered the freezings might be those of my brain (I am a woman after all) and not in ET. But after excluding the button-look-like-things (no one would press them on MY body anyway) I am pretty sure the freezings are in ET :/
Quoteno one would press them on MY body anyway

so you mean... no one?

image: foreveraloneface

:DDD I`m really sorry but it had to be :)))
^^ well done, m8, well done
only my best for you <3
how much RAM exactly my pc can max take in advantage of if i have a 32 bit os?
ive questioned that myself a couple of weeks ago,
very interesting question tbh!
afaik 3,5 are going to be adressed, applications can use a max of 2 GB each so i guess 4 arent that bad, i'd say 3 Gigabytes are optimal and will be correctly displayed.
what do you think?
there are also a few workarounds to get 4 Gigs working but they seem to create compatibility issues, therefore you get more problems then a viable solution.
damn u really know your stuff (or troll hard)! and is there any other plusses that 64 bit os' have than just being able to address more RAM?
that is not much..anybody could google this, i suppose.

besides many issues regarding compatibility i will open now the magazine, im intending to read this sepcial article just for you:

as you already mentioned, its mostly about RAM-adressing.
uhm..with win7 ultimate or enterprise you could actually use 192Gigs.. xD...geez..
most of the 32bit applications will also work under 64bit but older stuff and very old games which are based on 16bit wont work at all (officially, i suppose there will be a workaround like there is a workaround for EVERYthing). also 64bit might drastically improve performance, if an application is specially designed for 64bit.

from what i remember i only had problems with XP64bit a couple of years ago, i finally managed to move on to win7, its a very decent OS but uhm i suppose i will stick to 32bit since my 4th RAM slot seems to be not working at all (computer beeping, when i put RAM in that slot so i have a spare RAM :() gigabyte sent me a message its hardware related and the mainboard is failing (wow, thats big news since it burned once 2 months ago :D)
if i dont work at that time already :( we will see
i suppose this is gonna give me a real hard time.
ill deal with it in a couple of days, when i reach graphics cards
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