London w00t!

Leaving tomorrow at 7.00 am. No return ticket booked.. Getting a tad bit nervous, but I'm quite sure I'll enjoy my stay. Will be staying for at least 3-4 weeks.

I mentioned this before.
But if there are any ET'ers in the London area during this period whom I briefly know or perhaps will get to know who'd fancy grabbing a beer with me or perhaps helping me find my way around London, just get in touch :)

I'll be living with a friend from my clan TG| for the first couple of days, after that I'll be staying with some family in Ilford, or something like that, in the greater London area.

I've heard the underground system is quite easy to learn but finding your way around can get a bit tricky! I'll hopefully manage :>

Now, if I don't get shot or anything; cya laters ;)
jack the ripper's gonna rape you
like killerboy raped you?
Come down to Kinston town!
Where's that?
South west London.
w00t, I'll find you if I'll be lurking around in those areas! ;)
loads of UK'ers around -> potty fumble tyyrd ross meez gunny kamz mixer etc
Don't want anyone staying with me xD

and gunny?
shot in London? not much chance of that ;)

hf, the underground is indeed a maze :D
Haha yeah I know. I'm just exaggerating. Haven't been abroad that much in my so far quite short life so I'm looking into having one hell of an experienceboost!
Don't go to the south of the UK it's expensive and yet still full of immigrants!
gotta hang out with mah homies we keep em poppin G
and the north isn't full of immigrants?

saw a new report from yorkshire the other day and i couldnt see any white-british people (as in the ethnic group)
chavs carry knives.
couchsurf, np
Think getting stabbed is more likely
who's the tg mate?! :)
Goatherder, not sure you know him :)
Nah i dont h3h3 :) have fun over there!
Thanks :)
didn't read, have fun.
Have fun Zymon, make sure cupcake doesn't get to drunk:3
lars why didnt u come in the summer *sniff* <3
Maybe next summer! Are you coming to next lan btw :?
where and when?

i want to come and hope i can
Cupcake won't be coming, I'm going alone :< He's studying and stuff.
Awesome place, gonna go back there asap >:D
Been last week.. was quite nice, bit cold! But the people are so polite compared to the dutch
You aint going to get shot

your going to get stabbed
go to camden
If you'll buy me a beer, sure. We could trade ET pocals.
im not in the uk, but camden is just an awesome place to go to :)
Oh allright, I'll look it up! :)
I'm in Manchester, if you decide to visit other cities hit me up with a message and I'm sure I can put you up for a night or two! :)
I have plans on travelling further and will definitely consider Manchester then! Most likely in mid/late November if so :)
Just send me a message :)
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