FPS-Drops! Halp!

Holla folks,

I'm having FPS-drops for a while now and I can't fix them myself even if I've tried many different things. It doesn't matter if my FPS are limited to either 76 or 125 , they keep going down to 20-50 the whole game. The weird thing about it is, that it starts to drop like a minute or two after I've joined the server, before that there's not a single FPS-drop. In addition to that, while the fps are dropping down my sound starts to scratch.


- AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+
- 2,00GB DDR-Ram
- Ati Radeon HD 4850 (got the graphics card like 4 months ago)
- 580 Watt Xilence Redwing 12cm Fan
- ASRock N68-S (got the motherboard 4 months ago as well, because the other one was broken)

I would appreciate any suggestions to fix this, but have in mind that I did the usual stuff like format C, deleting PB etc.. Thanks in advance, cheers.

image: halp
don't know, don't care
hahaha, just quit and hang urself.
Service Pack 3 issue ?
tell me more, got sp3 installed.
So thats sp3 issue. Reinstall - service pack 2.

done, trust me. Had same problem few weeks ago.
google for pbprior and try setting ET.exe to both cpus or some different combos with that program
try r_finish 1, it prevents most fps drops for me. (but dunno whats causing it in the first place)
tried that yesterday, didn't help at all! :-P
clean your pc: use antispyware, antivirus, defrag, download "speedupmypc2010".
clean your pc inside also ofc.
my pc is quite similar to yours and I have the same problems ocasionally, in my case the only solution is to switch off the pc for a few mins.
close every program that is not needed when you play, even the webpages you could have open and take a look at your cfg, had to make some changes when I bought my ATI too.
cfg error i gues,
"my sound starts to scratch."

had that shit when I ran ET on multiple cores or gave it a higher priority n stuff
basicly try everything that Vivi above said.

edit: it's probably the acer case, you have to switch it tomek!
animal cruelty!
i think youre fps is dropping when you are playing like 2 min
another 14y/o retard
No idea, I never had such thing... My PC is kinda god ranked to ET, it could even handle PB lag well.

Do you guys play with aces?
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+
Have the same Problem. If there is a Solution let me know please.
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