-Far cry 2-

image: far-cry-2-03-l
Some years ago I played farcry 1. Today I saw in the store far cry 2, bought it (for less than 5euro), played it 15mins single player and already like it :p

Anyone else playing/played far cry 2? What are ur opinions?
It gets really boring after hour or so. Same enviroment, have to ride back and forth. Deleted after few missions....
use the bus noob
aka quick travel
still boring
What koosa said, i only enjoyed me it for some hours :<
boring, deleted after 1h also :(
Too bad the devs didn't release the hitreg fix and mod tools :( game had potential online !
i liked it, as i like shooting games overall. it was annoying on some occasions, but i enjoyed it
graphics are a big plus in it, as well as environment
somehow i didn't mind riding fourth and back, and yes most of the game was repeating, but i found it fun killing and killing
you fun it found ? orly ? ;D
argh i wrote twice found and fun and accidently edited the wrong one..
fun for the first 1/2 hours fater that stupid repetition.
not worth playing due to the complete lack of content.
played with my bro 1v1 some time ago :)
its nice but it repeats alllllll the time :(
+1, özil approves

image: %C3%B6zil
it's awesome, and fags whining about RIDING BACK AND FOURTH OMG are retards, i finished the game and i only drived on a missions. Use the bus hehehaheahe
Et xreal?
sp is nice, hf
have it, liked it. Looks really nice and awesome to play. Missions were bit boring thou
lighting the jungle/savanna on fire with the flame thrower can keep you entertained for a while! Or shooting trees with machine guns, just general distruction is nice!

Weird thing tho oppo's don't rly die when they run through a burning savanna :<<<
shooting niggers is the best experience there is xdd
Played it, was epic! IED's and flareguns are awsome!
i <3 burning niggers in this game. Awwww good times
same shit each mission, shit driving for 15 mins to each mission, spawning "posts" every time u ride.. boring

otherwise cool graphics and weapons (jamming and shit, breaking apart)
those posts are annoying, rest is nice

loved the golden gunz i managed to find
is that an AK with a scope? :D:D:D
far cry 2? i got bored after 2 hours
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