Jogging/Running question

how to do it properly?
i mean, when to breath in, when to breath out.
fast pls, im in real good mood, need warmup for 2morrow pumping

/!\ from april 2009, serving now
deleted before they even noticed.
I noticed :)
why does it have catalan color
cuz im catalan? :S
it should have serbian/austrian color?!
its about me :(
image: cheater_error

Don't act sad, ur a fucking cheater m8 :~D
cracked 4.37 at that time
u know what me iz talkin aböut? :~~~>
No I don't :~> I'd love to read your story on this gaming website. So tell me.
when this cracked etbot was avi on crossfire i used it, also i think palehook or something..that was at the time, when i bought my new computer, didnt care much about ET didnt think somebody would actually care about that anyway <.<
i kindly asked and it seems my CB account wont be banned for that :)
actually im motivated for playing ET atm
buy cheat boots !!
just run

there's no instruction manual:p
make a funny statement and end it with two exclamation marks !!
unfortunatelly there are no cheats for jogging/running !!
good joke mate :P:P
that explains your life, fattie
i hope you still like me
im cheaterlover :PP
if you at least liked me before, from now on our friendship is gonna be leeegen...........wait for it.....dary!!
"Think of me like Yoda, but instead of being little and green I wear suits and I'm awesome. I'm your bro—I'm Broda!"
made me emotional
dont cut yourself
e: i mean...its getting into me must resist the urge, man..
you are strong...euro train man!
You have to keep a good rythm... I usually do breath in, breath out,breath out, breath in etc etc. Then try to stuck this rythm with your steps.
i cant breath in with leftfoot and breath out with rightfoot, would become powered out very soon.
its similar to walking just faster !!
I make long and deep breaths while running fast, a little faster when jogging.
breath in with the nose, breath out of the mouth, run as fast as you are able to talk on normal volume without the feeling to not have enough air.
and that was exactly, what i was looking for!
Thank you!
bitteschön :p hab genügend sporttipps fallst welche brauchst ^^
cheaters united !!!
hast du lust mitzulaufen haha :) ich wohn gleich bei der donauinsel xD
Was about to write the same :)
wasnt it breath in from mouth and out from nose? and i dont understand this --> run as fast as you are able to talk on normal volume without the feeling to not have enough air.
Its in from nose.

Run on a speed where you would be able to have a normal conversation with someone without getting exhausted. This way you can keep on your speed longer which is more useful than randomly running faster/slower/walking.
ah like that ok thx
isint it the other way around?
no def breathe in trough nose and out trough mouth ;)
i have this rhythm

IN out out

in in OUT

IN out out

in in OUT

capital written means its a longer inhale/exhale moment, lasting 2 footsteps
small written means its a short and intensive inhale/exhale, lasting 1 footstep

this doesn't rly work with a pulse < 140 though

looks rly retarded but i can't explain better.. been doing it like that for a long time and for me personally it's the best method because it keeps you in a nice rhythm... won't rly work though when you're short on o2 / doing intensive training
yep i suppose this is kinda hard for me fattie at the moment :)) out in out gg
if ur trying to lose fat then just go for a low pulse (~130) and run for longer than 30 minutes... you have to see for yourself though which breathing rhythm fits you best... most important is that you DO have a rhythm though... about breathing in with your nose: i've heard it too, but i think it's bullshit... never felt good when trying it
when u breath in trough nose its cold air..when u breath in trough mouth the air will get warm sooner, i suppose its a bit gesünder this way.. uhm..geschmackssache?!
its not about fat, got 3 kg too much~ but id love to have a bit more endurance.
from 2morrow im going mcfit regularly too gymgymgym
i'm @ mcfit too, 2x per week but have shitloads to do for uni now, so don't have time atm :O(

3kg won't be too much of a problem i guess, gl with it :p
i guess it will be a bit of loose some weight and gain a waschbrettbauch, should be done soon.
yup, don't forget stretching after workout to prevent muskelkater...

e: also, don't smoke 5 cigarettes at once or all the jogging is for nothing :D
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD I guess if you want to keep yourself really fit, it's necessary not to smoke :p
that i wanted to ask too.
i actually quit smoking a couple of weeks ago but after the bewerbungsgespräch beim ditech musste ich einfach ein packal kaufn :/
this is what ive ran now

image: vs5jogmhtex

in 15-20 minutes. do you think this is ok for the first day?
the blue mark means i was walking, i didnt actually stop totally.
id say ive run for around 2,3 km~
+ in the end i sprinted up the hoteldrive
only ran 2.3 km? lol :/ I'm doing a sport education, my warming up was 4 km when I had to run last week. :PPPP
i havent actually ran before + 3 kg overweight + sitting alot since 2003
at least i dont rly smoke and dont drink too often
how long do you do this already?
I've been doing this for like 2 years now and it goes fine. Mostly run @ school. Just bought new shoes today for running :D
nice. i run with my UK plimsols (made by nannystate)
shoes i dont wear anymore.
i guess ill buy nike runners next week, they cost around 35 here, we have a little town here called "parndorf" where you can buy any brand you want for cheap money :)
seen nike there lastweek :o
Nice man, I bought pretty decent shoes for running. My last pair of shoes got fucked after 1½ years and I ran pretty much with em.

image: 11289_portrait
ahahahha shit :DDD you caught me there....
that was summer@ a festival..
i never rly smoked it was just..when i wanted (drinking, friends etc etc)
ive bought a new pack after 4-5 weeks of not smoking yesterday after the application, i just needed it. but when its done i will stay away again.
btw: thanks for the hit ^^
Hahahaha : D enough guys from my class smoke and run way better than me :P GL with running :)
thank you : )
cu around
the point in breathing with the nose is that you can breath in at a more stable speed and one more positive thing at it is, that the vibrissae filters the air
didn't know that, interesting. still i dislike breathing through nose :p
Maybe the "Breathing in with your nose" is different for everyone, since for me its better. Gotta agree with your points there though. ^^;
Isn't that weird to make yourself learn though because of the fact that breathing (in and out) is natural?

I cycle from time to time but don't really do any cardio, please don't hate me.





excuse me good sir, i don't get what you're on about
Quote"i have this rhythm

IN out out

in in OUT

IN out out

in in OUT "

That's not a natural breathing cycle.
it's a minimal variation of the natural breathing cycle


i don't rly get your point i think :/
cu in 5 minutes !
do /quit jogging
Hmm im runner so i think you can trust me, most important things are straight attitude (its really imortant), convenient shoes. Breaths should be deep but not so long and regular. Try to feel your own rhytm :d
and so i will, master! thank you.
mljeko je dobro!
Start to run, if you fade out, you are doing it wrong.
Crossfire 3.2 -A Fitness Community
Crossfire 3.2 - A Cheater Community
that doesn't even make any sense
flaming cheaters - thats so 2009!

Oh is that so.
yes, actually
yes, actually
yes, actually
If you dont have any clue how to breath dont listen to music while running.
If you are not a "experienced" jogger it can get you out of your breathing rythem very easily.
the problem is im now filling my ipod with drum n bass :D
i will die, i suppose ^^
4-5 minutes then i can finally gogogo
well didnt know about that. i never run without music and my breathing rhythm seems ok, ofc i was listening to music since i was a beginner runner; d
Quotehow to do it properly?

cheat on some bodybuilder 's wife- then run for your life

"prac running hard go pro"
Hm, don't know but I have a tip for "pumping":
aaahahahah :D
my wife and kids <3
Just use speedhack! No need to breathe.
breathe in through nose and out through mouth
com_maxbreathe 1
Lol your bot is doing all the work!
membership expired :P
You don't necessarily have to breath in through the nose and out through your mouth. It depends on how much air you can get through your nose. Especially since you're not in good shape, you will struggle to get enough air through your nose.
My advice: focus on something else and you will breath the right way automatically. The only thing you have to prevent is breathing too fast. If you notice doing that, focus on breathing out, use your belly to empty your lungs.

Also make sure to build up slowly. Run slow, maybe even alternate with walking. Don't care about what other people say or think. Running slow is the right way to build up. Increase the running time slowly, don't care about speed. The most important training is the next one!
make sure u breath in and out in the same rythm, thats all imo (atleast for me)
just breath
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