Fallout New Vegas #2

Absolutely awesome piece of art, I recommend everyone to buy it even if you are new to Fallout/roleplaying games. One of the best games I have ever played.

-Compared to Fallout 3: better characters, better dialogue, even the story is better
-Huge variety of firearms (So far 5 different shotguns, same for rifles and SMG's, havent seen any new energy weapons yet)
-References to older Fallouts, mainly because they have some members from the original team from 10 years ago
-Lesbian-powerfister as a companion

Lvl 19 good-karma cowboy reporting in
:/ obviously not that good as fallout 3
Nigga you trolling me? Fallout 3 with all DLC's and some good mods doesn't come even near to this...
fallout 3 was just more epic...
Level 28 steal-everything-kill-everyone-game-completererer reporting in
Blah, massacring the whole world should be done when you are completely bored to the game, or did you get bored already?
Didn't get to level 28 by killing everyone

Did every quest for every faction I wanted to ally with, and slaughtered those who I didn't like the look of.
Cant remember where I am in the main quest, been exploring the last few hours. Went to find my old bros from Brotherhood of Steel
Yeah those guys are faggots.
Went to their base without Lesbo-Veronica first time and they tried to kill me ;_;
yee it's nice
runs better than fo3, less laggy with the same settings
also no crashes yet
its so buggy :(
Check Sani's answer, it seems to vary a lot. Some people have crashes all the time + game is glitchy and some are enjoying the game at its full beauty. Im in the latter group and I pirated it :))
Why don't you buy it if you think it's that good?
Crossfire 3.2 - A Rights-Revoking Community
what sani said
lol i'm only lvl 5, been playing for 5 hours so far
shit thing is, im very low on cash and i don't have too many bullets (i'm saving but the mission where i had to help some freaks to kill nightskins in their basement and help them with their rockets completely drilled my ammos) and i can't find any place to buy proper ammo, nor get any real money...best i had were 200 caps
i'm still early in the game though, just went a little bit over Novac
Shouldn't be anywhere near Novac @ level 5. I was at least 10 by the time I was there.

90% of the ammo in the game isn't bought, it's found. Ammo boxes hidden away in shacks, etc.
hmm...i'm in a good karma, i don't kill unless i have to (seriously, it's so hard to kill someone and i'm so little in ammo)
and i can't find quests...i guess i'm doing something wrong, but i don't find much ammo either
Every point on the map has something - either quests, or loot
ok, ill hold back and explore the cities before i continue with the main quest
game sucks atmosphere sucks vegas sucks cba with it :D
Pancor Jackhammer?
Riot Shotgun is close to it + its fucking kickass, one of the few guns I have bought from shopkeepers
i just done the first picture :P]
nice ammo fucker, i barely have 10/18 lol
is the VAT slow to you as well? when i click on vat, it shows the hud, but it takes to it a few seconds to calculate the chances, which is very annoying...can take from 5 seconds to 10
Yea it lags for me if I change to next target in VATS-mode
I'm level 5 and I killed everyone at Powder Ranger prison. I'm kinda dissapointed that it was possible so early in game :/.
I still don't get it why people even like fallout. It's total bullshit.
You don't understand why people like Fallout?

* Incredibly huge and detailed world, loaded with stuff to do
* Side quests are mostly terrific and brimming with personality
* Faction reputation system leads to incredible flexibility
* Great atmosphere, in and out of the Vegas Strip
* Your choices have palpable consequences.
In my opinion :

I really hate the style "open world".
Graphics are shit, story is shit and gameplay is OK.

This kind of game are so boring omg oO

In my opinion again.
"Everyone to his taste".
There's a difference between "I don't get why people even like it, it's total bullshit"


"Everyone to his taste"

All you have to do is read one review and there's plenty of reasons why people would like it. Just because you don't appreciate it doesn't make the game bullshit.
In my opinion the game is total bullshit. If you don't agree with that, what I can do ? I'm maybe so frustrated people like this game that I can't get it.
Again, just because you don't appreciate it doesn't make the game bullshit.
Yea and once again IN MY OPINION, damn !
fallout has one of the bests graphics...
I hate how broken the story-system is in 3 and NV.

If you manage to jump over a big loop of the plot, the game wont react on it and it will go on like nothing happened. For example if you go to New Vegas in the beginning of the game, House invites you immediately to his casino and speaks to you like you had completed all the critical plot-points so far.

Sometimes this even happens if you enter town and speak to people in wrong order, I see my character asking them about some townspeople I dont know yet. :/ Maybe my memory fails me but cant remember this happen in older games, at least this much...
i'm trying to explore nipton atm, right when i got there just before a big hall door i got attacked by 5 random ninjas and a chick in a bear hat LOL
burned them with my incinator (don't have much fuel left :( ) and explored the hall, didn't find something epic...when i killed the chick i had a quest failed or so
the game is great but the whole "feeling" is still bad as it was in fallout 3
do you mean the shooting (combat)?
yes, and the moving itself, it just feels awkward
Yea it's a problem in fallout, but it's still really fun
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