Best video on YouTube.

Yes, I've been up all night like a nerd.
no, simply no!
btw im going to bed soon, its 23.10pm here in peru, so im not up all night! u nerd! :D
The best video is the one where TGA_Hook was used
she was so fucking hot before.
uhu.. i think i repressed the memory of her being hot because it actually surprised me :D
haha, she can still look good from time to time. Just dont like the "slutty" way she are acting now.
nerd waking up to check cf b4 work
So do ppl really say she isnt hot anymore? At all? Really?
i love it!
tapsa, i asked taz in his journal i hope he will reply so my adventure can continue
and britney isnt pretty
i think i like i find i see i want i would
this is nice

me and kekz :D and frends
QuoteYes, I've been up all night like a nerd

after your loss to the polaks u could get no sleep?
man, I feel deeply for you
she was hot
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