cheater warnings

I'm sick of all those yellow and red triangles

clean players

image: cheater_warning_iiy9p

clean players

pls gief.
idd! ;D
Nerdy nerd is nerdy.
actually made me laugh
nice paint job there mate
we should put a yellow banana behind the nicks of trollers, so they remind us to monkeys
Good idea :=D
thats really bad, even for paint :D
:< did my best!
Nerds mad cos someone cheating on their videogame :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
the only one who is mad are the cheaters because their ass got raped in a video game
Poland Take some zyklon-B, braindead fucker :DDD

Yeah, I cheat on this game because thats the only way that I can compete against nerds and boost my ego by being good in a videogame, or then I cheat because it's fun?
read ur anwser again and than ask yourself who i mad -- but before u did this dont forget to switch ur brain on ohh u forgot u need a cheat for it -- what a shit there arent reallife cheats available
Read your own answer again, I think that zyklon-B has destroyed your brain because you cant even write a proper argument as a comeback, and for the reallife thing; are you trying to imply that whining that someone cheats for fun in a computer game would mean that their life sucks? If you real life would be good, I argue that then you wouldnt really care so much about some free videogame :D

Inb4 someone with "real life" trying to state something otherwise.
he doesn't need arguments cause he is clean and you are busted scum.
And yes theres is a relation between cheating and real life problems, lack of love for themselves (don't know the exact word for it)

Most are kiddies which can't achieve much in real life and need an escape for it, and becoming "e-known" or make them notice in same way is atractive for them, as most cant reach it normally, hacks are the easiest way.
Kinda cheap comeback, even you cant make a decent comeback. You two would be a good couple.
read again.
Are you serious with all that shit? If not, nice troll mate.
I dont know about the nerds that cheat in officials to get better ranking in ladders, but for myself I just cheat because it's fun and as you can see in my profile, I'm banned for public cheating, and in publics you cant really achieve fame?
cheating on publics is fun? explain me that please. Is fun to see people through walls or aim automatically knowing a bot is doing the work for you. lots of fun yes.

No im not trolling, most of the cheaters are guys with problems aside from this game.
ofc im speaking of players over 16, I dont even count 12 or 14 years olds hacking.
A normal person will never cheat, take it how you want.
I think thats not normal to be so fanatic about a videogame that you wouldnt allow yourself to cheat on it for fun? As for the fun part, I find it amusing to track people thru walls and shoot 3hs instantly, while they whine "WH!!!!!!!!!", not that it would give me some sexual satisfaction, but I think its just fun. And on what do you base your fact that cheaters would be failers in reallife?
I fact it on logic, you are just telling me you find funny someone telling you WH! when you are using it, gives you satisfaction somehow so you just told me I am right.

Read my first reply, cheaters are people in need of motivation in some way, motivation they cant achieve in real life.

Saying cheating on pub is fun is a good argument for a 10 year old, is not fun, is sad actually.
Are you aware that people have different interests?
I dont find this game so important to me that I would actually play it to get skilled, I play it for fun and its more fun to me with wh.
What has that motivation to do with anything, its kinda out of context?
the problem is its not u shooting 3 hs instatly but the bot u are only the fucked up guy who is pressing the mouse button - its funny u think u r shooting the 3 hs instatly
Who said I use a bot?
u not need to use a bot when u know where the enemy is its also not a problem to kill him -- wh or aimbot same shit
The thing is that do I give a shit?
yeah i know otherwise u wouldnt use a wh -- think about it before replying
Have you missed the whole conversation? The thing is that I might be capable of knowing where the enemy is without wh, but the thing is that I couldnt give a shit?
Then go /sv_cheats 1 on some singleplayer games and don't ruin the fun for other people...
oh wait you don't give a shit, cuz it's only important you have fun, now go re-read all the replies made to your posts and go try to figure it out what's the fallacy...
Who said that other people cant use hacks?
the problem is its not u shooting 3 hs instatly but the bot u are only the fucked up guy who is pressing the mouse button - its funny u think u r shooting the 3 hs instatly
Who said I use a bot?

Just to clarify; bot is a thing that aims for me, wallhack just makes me see through walls. I dont use a bot.
dont talk to him, hes 14yo kid with nolife so try to understand :)
true ;) why do I feed the trolls :D
so for u it is fun to press one button and let the bot do everything for you ?? nice fun u must have in rl too -- for me for example its fun when i must achive everything by my own power / knowledge - even if it s a stupid videogame
Who said I use a bot?

It's fun for me also to achieve by myself, but achieving something in a computer game is something I couldnt give a shit
for me achiving something means i have fun -- that is the most important achivement not to win a cup or be the best - and yes i lke to play this game beside my reallife
You cheat because you have nothing else to do
Thats right, you totally got me there.

Etkös sinä muuttanut uudelle opiskelupaikalle? Luulis, että sulla olis parempaa tekemistä kun pelata ET:tä ja selata crossfireä, kuten hommata uusia sosiaalisia suhteita, ja ehei en implikoi, että mulla olisi minkääntasoista elämää
olen lapissa, kiitos kysymästä
Anteeksi erehdykseni, ei muistella pahalla?
what about this one

image: mario_block
image: pink For Gay Players
image: blue For Clean Players
good idea thx! *lol*
Butt.... i don't know which one for "Gay Clean Players"
Purple obviously :)
hihi, nice choice :=)
hätte man uns nur mal vor den ossis so gewarnt
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