Germany goes nuclear again :>

image: AKW___Nuclear_Power_Plant_by_deepbluesheep

hrhr in your face green agenda !
Why would you want your country to keep nuclear power?
because germany likes to do massacre
yes the word has two ss's, well spotted
perhaps he should have written these uppercase.
they extend the contract period to make profit and invest into renewable energy
nuclear power is the most efficient power source modern day.
and is more dangerous.. I wouldn't be proud or happy at thet fact my country uses nuclear power.

oh you!
ppl keep saying its dangerous only cuz of those dumbs chernobyle :~>

for you to know its the most safe energy :~>
lol so e.g. photovoltaics is more dangerous, eh?
even seen dexter laboratory :~DDD

you get my point, its most efficient and one of the safest :~>>>

do a search for "project for a better world"
nuclear plant accidents are like plane accidents.

they dont happen, but when they do...
there are protocols that prevent it from happen
dont take example from those dumbs chernobyle
it will happen again if the security standard won't be raised alot higher but the problem of some german reactors are that they are too old and reveal not enough safety to make them more safe
my guess would be that human nature is imperfect, so it will happen somewhen. higher standards of safety procedures can only decrease the chance, but it will never fall to complete zero.

doesn't mean we shouldnt use them :)
Not really, people in Ireland have been trying to get celofield closed for years
our power station still works with coal hf with pollution

image: tumblr_ky251rrlZB1qa02x4o1_500
do you ever post a comment without editing it?
thats what happens when you post first and then think :D
im so fapping to your economic growth rates atm :'(
You know that what you are showing on the picture is just steam? Nuclear waste comes in solid form which is a b*tch to get rid off but it does not pollute the sky in any way.
Slovenia on nuclear.
C&C Generals :-)
tsing shi "the nuke" tao :)
looks like a streetfighter character :D
3rd world war incomming
And it's so ironic how you think that green agenda is fucked by this while now nuclear factories have to pay money to build up that very green agenda

also: people don't seem to realize that nuclear energy is really clean actually, since it has no environmental influence like fossil fueled plants.
There is a new tax in Germany for nuclear power plants, they have to pay to a special fund that supports solar and wind energy.

Also, the creation of nuclear energy is the cleanest in the whole world, yet, the toxic waste coming from it needs to be stored for 100+ years...
make that 1000+ years, but we got unused salt mines and shit like that.
Just send it to the moon
Yep, having tons of nuclear waste isn't a big deal for the environment. Causing air pollution is not the only form of pollution, my dear.


also, what air pollution?

also, what's some H+ or e- gunna do hundreds of meters down in the earth in a sealed salt mine

dont challenge him. he'll crush you.
As I said - Air pollution is NOT the only form of pollution.

Burying waste which is harmful in small doses - lolZ tonZ not even needed lolZ - is a great way to solve a problem! Asse and Gorleben are such NICE examples for a clean way to get rid of it. Not to speak of the awesome secure Castor transports, most of the ppl involved in this shit the last decades are nearly as healthy as the rest...besides the much higher rate of cancer, ofc.

Being blindfolded about the HUGE disadvantages of nuclear power doesn't declare it as the best way to generate power. And obviously it doesn't neglect the advantages of energy sources with NO what-so-ever pollution or waste. The effiency of solar power plants has risen expentionally over the last years and can eventually create as high amounts of power as your fucking nuclear power if this trend keeps the same. So - where's ur point?

Oh - and btw..I don't think it's ANYTHING to cheer about when a government just erases the decisions another government of other parties has made. That's no way to do democracy, particularly if its just for the benefit of those oh-so ecologic power companies.
no nuclear reactors no cancer threatment
Wow - you definitely crushed all my points and arguments with this.
proud of not having any active nuclear power plants in austria!
maybe america should invade them in order to protect the peace.. they started two more World Wars than Iran
1st world war was not started by germany
It's not like nuclear power is cool or anything like that you retard. The greens are generally right with this issue, but the problem is we lack effective and inexpensive alternatives for nuclear power at the moment.
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