Can't DDOS serv? Np, i'll DDOS ETTV.

image: 106077806-3

Lol @ Kids :)

Need "Spécial serv" for ettv to prevent DDOS. Go work on it YCN or United Kingdom Kamz.

e: saKen mad.
i know how to do it :D
the police is informed
Dont know why they dont track this down, it should be izi bash. Not covered the same way than DDossing but hey, do what you want gamestv people:)
Its about people who have access and time to fix it, the amount of people who have both, is very small atm :)
I personally dont see this problem requires shitload of times to be solved. Dont get me wrong, I dont have anything towards you, just wondered that a problem like this (which is really annoying + fucking up viewerpeaks) cannot be solved pretty much immediatly.
Like I said, time and access, we're short on both of em, and its not like I am one of these two who have access to it if thats what you're thinking..
No, this is not what I think, you told me the first time we had a chat about DDOS. Just I dont see people (arni for example) commenting to crossfire that often.
nice playing without slac homos
Why dont you work on it ?
if i knew how, i wouldn't be here
Dont worry about it, people are working on it ;)
We need a ETTV that is restricted for users that have been registered for over 5 years.
slac register?
registered on ClanBase for over 5 years
register since June dude :/
You are fucking cool I love you, keep on doing what you do because you are the best on doing what you do :D 5/5 ^^ Much love bro, no hate!

I fucking love you, will you make babies with me please? ^_^
how to ddos serv?
n00bs need a hobby, spammin/crashing/ddosing/filling ettv, IS NOT HOBBY, CA MON.

+ people can just watch the match on replay afterwards, it's never too late!
nice idea sean !
I le agree with you.
consequences will never be the same!!!
Niggas don't know about q3fill and how it's fixed by limiting max_connections.
Burneddi knows these things, believe him 8-)
ddosers dont care
gonna get backtraced
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