CRT screen causing health problems?

I've had this eye infection since weeks. Thing is, it always gets better, but when I sit infront of my old CRT screen for over an hour it flares up again.

Can a CRT do that? Like if it's too old or broken that it just kills your eyes?
Can't really ask my docter since he's an old fart who doesn't even know what PC stands for.
low refresh rate @ crt = eye cancer
It's at 100-120 depending on which game I'm playing. Desktop is at 100 though.
I have played a few games at 75 for some time though, but still.
then low resolution? bad focus?
Pretty low resolution yeah, what do you mean with focus? How would that affect anything :)
idk so, maybe its broken or smthing
I use 85hz and have no problems
I've been using my CRT as my primary monitor for nearly 3 years, and I've still never had an eye infection. Pretty certain that they are an infection, hence bacterial based, but I do know they cause severe eye strain, so much so that I am meant to wear glasses to relax my eyes everytime I sit down at my PC, I don't however.
Well infection, my eye gets somewhat red and everything around it gets sore. Can't seem to get rid of it for good. I've been using this CRT screen for a long time aswell, that's why I suggested it might be broken (?), because I've never had problems of any kind before.
It could be fluctuating in hz I think yes. And the reddening is normal, that's just eye strain because youre focusing on a certain point for too long.

I use 85 for desktop - which works fine for me, you could try turning it down a little (say, 85) too see if it is a fluctuating issue, but my eyes are red lots too, so I'd say it was normal.
I guess that could be it, since I've had red eyes before but not like this. It just sucks because I usually use my pc for games and movies and I have barely touched it in weeks now. Ill just continue to ignore it untill I get my hands on an LCD screen I guess. Thanks for the advice :)

I can't really tell the difference between high and low displayrefresh, so that's why I think it might be broken.
Hmm, i'd get someone else to test that. I only notice when coming back to my PC that my refresh is on 60, if you're looking for a change, you wont see one. :)
clean ur nerdstation?
On regular basis :D
As a matter of fact, I cleaned my room 3 days ago. And I mean cleaning, not just moving things :p
hahah :)

idk could b mold or something?
I think that any monitor can cause eye infection if you stare it 24hrs/day
I wish, barely touched my pc because of it :D
He's right. Staring at a monitor will probably cause eyestrain if you eye is already in bad condition.
I've barely touched my pc last 2 weeks though. Only browsed Uni website and crossfire and played 2 games of ET. But perhaps it just gets worse because it's not fully healed yet eventhough it feels like it. (I think that was what you were implying?)
Yeh I think so. I focus a lot harder looking at a screen than a do outside. Dark conditions can also make your eyes strain more as well.
Are you sure it's an infection and not a "dry-eye"? Staring at sources of light (e.g. computer screens) for long periods of time might cause this dry-eye thing, which is what the name suggests. Eye drops should ease it, but why don't you go see a doctor about it?
I have, but as I said he's an old fart whose only explanation is always: "These things happen, get over it. Here's a boiled liver, eat it!". :P

It's just weird because I wouldn't call the odd hour that I go on my pc these days a prolonged exposure.
Well, you might have been spending quite a bit of time at it in the past :P.
I did play Mass Effect on low refresh before that, perhaps it's just still lingering.
crook hack niet zoveel van die wallhack krijg je last van je ogen man.
you got eyecancer cuz your trolling too much on crossfire!
just keep staring crook, your eyes will get used to it... its just temporary... soon you will learn the way of the nerd
I'm sorry to dissapoint you, I cant keep them open any longer!
I'm a failure :(
why advice your doctor when you can ask a gaming forum ~::~:D:A:SD:A:D:AD
Read the content of the journal, including comments, before you try to be smart ;)
yes comments like you have eyecancer or clean your nerd station does help alot :D::AS:

you understand that doctors do know how to help you since its part of their education

image: deal-with-it
As I said twice now, I already consulted one. Chances are if it's CRT related, people here have had similar experiences.
pinkeye m8 :D

image: deal-with-it
Hahaha let's hope not :D
Thanks for your support!
ever heard of eyecancer? you prolly have it :XDDDDD
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