mouse prob :<

hi, i just reinstalled my pc and now i opened ET to set my cfg right and then i set my sensitivity to 0.935 again but it is slow as it can be, but before my reinstalment it was pretty smooth and now it is SLOOOOW, how can i fix this ? :< (without raising my sensitivity :<)

I thank you.

EDIT: my mouse is mx510
time for a new mouse
you probably had mouse drivers installed then with a higher dpi or diff windows settings?

depends on your mouse thou i guess
drivers heb ik, waar kan ik dpi instelle dan ?
Install your drivers and you will get 800dpi. Without it will give 400.
Dont install drivers and double you ET sens. Should be the same.
Or, install drivers and you got your old 800dpi feeling back.
maar, kheb drivers al geinstalled en alsnog hetzelfde met de sens :x
moet mogelijk zijn =o[, egt kut is dit :x waar moet ik tog mijn dpi verhogen :x
ah ok
thx mousepro =)
0.935 = 0.94
just raise your sens anyway
wich mouse?
drivers, with or without. With that kinda sens you were probably playing 800dpi.
sensitivity is also dependent on fps.

sens 0.935 with 76 fps is slower then with 125 fps.

Accel fix changes your sensitivity too.

500 Hz rate switch might be a little change in sensi too. (dunno tbh)

Maybe you had low accel "on" in mouseware before the format.
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