
I've just installed Ubuntu on my laptop, and it looks great !
So what kind of softs will be in replacement of these :

-ACD see

And i'm also looking for a good Antivirus + Firewall.
Also if you have additionnal soft to install tell me :p

btw i'm a noob, I'm discovering the world of linux :<

PS: How can I access my Windows partition on linux, and Vice versa ..
xchat - irc
xmms - wamp
gimp - photoshop
can I just ask, why did you move to linux from windows?
I didn't move, this evening i've installed both Xp and ubuntu on my laptop. I'm still on Xp @ desktop.. but simply to try it; Before I've run it from the live CD and I liked it :)
so basically "exploration"
yes and maybe i'll switch to it if I like it
windows is a pain in the ass

but its an even bigger pain in the ass to get everything you need to run on linux

servers --> linux
home pc --> windows :-(
I use linux because I like the extreme control I can have over my system... compared to winows, where most of the things happen concealed from the user...
Aaa, I almost forgot the cca 20% increase in performance in ET :)
I'm a total noob in ubuntu (my bro uses it), but theres a 'install software' button hidden in the 'control panel'. You just type in msn or mirc in the search field and it will give you a list of software that can help you out. Just click and everything is installed. Awesome system imo.
msn -> gaim (aMSN if you need webcam, but gaim is better, make sure you compile the latest ones though, 1.5 sucks)
mirc -> xchat/irssi (recommend xchat, irssi takes time to learn)
winamp -> xmms or beep media player
ACD see -> what does it do?
Photoshop -> gimp
Acd see is for browsing photos and create albums etc ..
A bit useless but well :p
-Msn gaim
-mIRC xchat
-winamp xmms
-Photoshop gimp 2

btw if you need help pm banaan!

"PS: How can I access my Windows partition on linux, and Vice versa .. "

you have to mount the windows partition, check ubuntu forums for that

afaik you cant acess the linux partition from windows :s
you can browse/copy stuff from the linux partition on windows, never tried putting something on the linux partition from windows though....

nice didnt know that!
ACD see is a photoshop alike program, but doesn't include all of the options. Actually it's kinda useless but it's nice to just open pictures without editing them
And I can see it :P
Thx for the help guys :)
kde or gnome :) ?
ubuntu, so it's gnome

kbuntu = kde
fluxbuntu = fluxbox

and so on
Konversation > xchat fo sho ngr!
acdsee - Gwenview

is how to get ntfs partition showing in ubuntu
-Msn -> gaim
-mIRC -> xchat
-winamp -> audacious
-ACD see -> gqview
-Photoshop -> gimp


edit: antivirus for linux <- lol? :D
firewall can be done with iptables.

edit2: you need as well a nice server browser for your et, so you may use xqf.
I don't have ET on my laptop.
but thx for the tips ;)
There are no equivalents of the programs you name, only horrible attempts at mimicking them.
It wasn't about equivalents but about replacements ;-)
I know, just informing him of the fact so he doesn't expect the programs recommended to actually be any good.
try amarok as music player.. it's by far better than anything any window music player can offer!

well.. except if you just want a very very small tool... in which case you could use mp3blaster, which has an ncurses-interface.. :>

There is also the Winamp2 clone beep-media-player, which is by far better than xmms
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