Paranormal Activity 2

going for paranormal activity 2 at the movies tonight,
need some opnions .


me too
1 was exciting
paranomal activity 1 was awesome shit my pants :)

want to watch it 2 gief link pls ? :)
bet u cant sleep normal for the next 3 weeks after watching this movie :))
you are going to watch it anyway, so why you want our opinion?
if I'd say this movie sucks u will just be disapointed. watch for free :p
i loved the 1st, but i wasn't scared in one single moment (nor did i jump)
it was on dark room, full volume...
u like darkrooms?
do you like openning two world wars?
No shit? I laughed more than on few comedy movies. ,__.

It was lame and I can't understand all this hype around it.
is ok, but first one was better.
i laughed my ass of on 1 hope 2 will be awesome as well
maybe cause i'm curious?
What the fuck do you need opinions for if you're gonna see it tonight anyway?
paranormal 1 was ... not good at all
I don't exepct more for the 2.
I went to Cinema to watch it several days ago.

It was ok. It is definitely better in cinema than in home because nice surrond system in cinema.

There was some guy sitting next to me who was scaring some girls next to him, you know, turn fast on them and something like "aargh".
i have a nice home cinema at home
Turn up the volume then, sounds are impornat part of that movie:).

I haven't watched part 1 but on this second part you expect something to happen but it doesn't happen. It gives big + to this movie.
it's boring like paranormal activity 1
i hope u get suicidal ideas after the film cuz we dont fakin care that u do got a live...
The beggining is a bit boring, but rest is pretty good :)
PA 2 is shit... have fun :D
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