
What is all this Latvia fuzz about 6vs6? Is it true ESL is going back to 6vs6 after this season? If so i might have to find back my old ESL account :D

<TosspoT> I make ET 6on6 again
no idea :D
lmfao that dude just owned blizzard ^^
Can you tell me what is point of that video?
i dont play wow or smthin but
i think some character kinda dissapeared in the game & he wanted to know what happened to it, apearently the blizzard guys didnt know that yet :D
he knows WoW better than the makers
Yeah, I watched this video many times, apparently I am not that good in listening english so I took me a while.

And yea it went in that way you said.
He asked about some guy called "dksao(don't get this one) Wildhammer" and what happened to him and those Blizzard guys thought that he was dead:)
Nah it´s not true, ET will remain 5on5 forever and you can leave the ESL account alone. :)
Shame 6v6 kinda died, hopefully be back soon :)))
Thank God I dont understand that video
<chaplja> SLAC will be avi for 6on6 only.
yesterday i bet 6on6 because it don't think
Yea i hope ESL is going for the 6o6 format so you will come back!!
6on6 sux
Yes bwo it's awesome.
6on6 was more fun to watch, imo.

But I still enjoy 5on5 as a spec too.
need mobile mg
And while we're at it, bring back Mortar
And while we're at it, bring back Oasis
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