All you 5on5 haters

Sorry but Belgium Krosan is right. 5on5 saved ET because it's easier to organise LAN events. Without these events ET is nothing. All good players go to LANS. Don't forget that 5on5 means more teams overall, simple math.

Show some respect. Belgium Krosan has done really good job to keep ET alive and all you do is whine? You have no idea how much time he spend on AEF, no idea!

Quote by Krosan
Dude without LANs ET would be long dead by now.

Quote by Krosan
Without LANs there wouldn't be any serious top teams.

No top teams = no serious competitions = no interest from anyone.

image: kdsc0352ve5
nice pic :)
You're quite easily one of the smartest crossfire members. I didn't even read your journal but I'm sure you're right.
5on5 or 6on6 ?

5on5 = more team you said, so more cash for lan :)
in 5on5 mix can't win
True. I wouldn't made comeback if there wasn't LANs.. but if TosspoT makes ET 6on6 again like he said, I think I'm gonna quit again because the LANs will die and the top teams also..
when did he say that?
earlier today
link? screenshot?
you didnt even try 6on6 noob!
and ? :D i said i like 5o5 nothing else xd
newschool!! ;)
prefer 5on5, teamplaying is bit different
"Dude without LANs ET would be long dead by now" - Disagree, free game will always have a player base.

"Without LANs there wouldn't be any serious top teams." - Disagree, purely speculation.

"No top teams = no serious competitions = no interest from anyone." - There is hardly any competition at the moment.

What top teams are there? Impact and Dignitas? People don't play 5on5 nowadays for anything other than fun, I really doubt the smaller teams are thinking "HEY LET'S PRAC HARD GO PRO AND BEAT THOSE TOP GUNS WHO WIN EVERYTHING", believe it or not that was the attitude of clans many years ago, nowadays it's more about having 5 people online on a wednesday evening with little to do.

Are dignitas and impact taking ET "seriously" simply because they prac 2-3 times a week? you think that's taking a game seriously? I think that's the bare minimum you should put in to be considered a "team" and not a mix.

Competitive ET at the highest level is dead and has been for a long time, no offence to the current clans they've got their reasons for still playing (No better games, LAN prize money but if that's honestly a teams reason for existence then they're doomed to fail, etc) but to say ET is competitive is certainly a lie.
"Without LANs there wouldn't be any serious top teams."
u would have serious teams with cheats prolly
finally someone with some knowledge! :D
true, most games are in teams of 5, without the change if would be hard to organize lans
Every single proposition made no sense
so we got a bunch of field op teams? :D
5o5 is fine, the 6o6 spamming was cool at the beginning but with all these years it bored me!
idd, and nice performance as epsilon team / f5 @ AEF :)
Completly agree, but I still prefer 6on6 :)
agree but tbh i prefer the old 6on6 format when there were many players.
Casually, I'd probably play more if ET was still 6on6. Ultimately though without LANs it wouldn't be worth returning for competition, and without 5on5 there won't be LANs.

6on6 is still better though.

5on5 killed ET, that simple.
5o5 on lan
6o6 online
so simple.....
gtfo.. rly!
A team goes to lan and all of a sudden says gtfo to one of their players xDD
Your right man! If there was no more offline events I would instantly uninstall this game it would just ruin it!
oh yes I play this game to go to a lan and play against 20 year old fat virgins once a year!
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