ET Being A Laggy Schlong

I get this really awful lag now, but it only happens on some servers. It isn't mod dependent, as it sometimes happens on ETPro as well. Some servers it doesn't happen though. The people on the servers where I have the lag have no lag from it. I'm on a university connection, but if some settings need to be changed in the network, I can request IT to fix it. Also, it isn't a wireless connection, it's wired.
Travers's 3 1/2 star review from the NY Post:

The mind-blowing movie event of the summer arrives just in time to hold back the flow of Hollywood sputum that’s been sliming the multiplex. ‘Inception’…will be called many things, starting with James Bond Meets ‘The Matrix.’ You can feel the vibe of Ridley Scott’s ‘Blade Runner’ in it, and Nolan’s own ‘Memento’ and ‘The Dark Knight.’ But ‘Inception’ glows with a blue-flame intensity all its own. Nolan creates a dream world that he wants us to fill with our own secrets. I can’t think of a better goal for any filmmaker. Of course, trusting the intelligence of the audience can cost Nolan at the box office. We’re so used to being treated like idiots. How to cope with a grand-scale epic, shot in six countries at a reported cost of $160 million, that turns your head around six ways from Sunday? Dive in and drive yourself crazy, that’s how
The problem with putting too much expectations on the Movie of the Summer is how can it possibly deliver? And the movie can’t be expected to yield The Dark Knight grosses—it was a Batman sequel. Come on. This is an original, with the potential to intrigue and lure moviegoers. I like those odds.

Meanwhile, Warners is screening the movie for junket press Wednesday and Thursday night and little inklings are coming through on Twitter:

RT @joshuahorowitz of MTV Movies made his colleagues crazy by tweeting: “Ok, film will take a while to process. It’s not the second coming but there’s a lot of awesome to chew on.” (We all knew he was writing about Inception.) What did that mean? Did he break his deal with the studio, which imposed a tweet/review embargo?

@mrbeaks of aint-it-cool-news wrote: “I’ll wait until someone who doesn’t whore for TWILIGHT traffic has an opinion. And that’s an embargo break.”
do a speedtest and ping test. Post your lagometer screenshot also ;p Be sure to test it on a nonpb server.
2mb/6mb? the fuck? :D nice upload

107 is a really bad ping, but as you can read you are +- 100 miles away from the server(i suppose you chose the nearest server from your location) thats too much.

Anyway a lagometer screenshot on a nonpb server might help a lot.
So where's your problem :D?
he has no weed hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Actually I do ;>
heheh but its not super silver haze :3

cars coming soon dunno which shop ill go to! will be a surprise ^_^
Bob heeft vandaag een ice-o-lator , een ketama hindukush en een haze voor mij gehaald :$

Blue Dream mixed with Coach K. Smells like pine.
can't see shit captain
I'll take a better picture later. It's completely covered in orange hairs.
You have mini beef so?
QuoteUniversity connection

Someone else is fucking up yo intrawebz imo.
It's server dependent, and often happens at like 2am. Some servers ALWAYS lag out (Xplo's TJ server, Reflection Louisville etc), but some servers run smoothly all the time (Most war servers, Th Trickjump Heaven).

I feel like its a network/router setting, which is why I want to figure out what to tell IT to do.
a lot of people tend to whine for server locations..

back when I played ET i had probs with PL and UK servers, and 50% of the NL servers

DE servers were best for me

might wanna check splatterladder to check if your lag is country-related

might also be placeboeffect.
It's not. NRG and AOD both run smoothly, and are USA servers, yet Reflection Louiville and Xplo's Trickjump lag like hell and are also USA servers.
>plays on US servers
>complains about lag

image: sigh
Country: US
my point is still valid
>implying has bad server quality
>implying this problem hasn't occurred on european servers
>implying europeans bitch and complain about lag less often than US players

Do certain ports need to be forwarded or something? This problem started happening only a week or 2 ago.
1. virus/spyware
2. roommate downloading movies or porn or both
3. someones following you and ddosing your ass whenever your on certain servers

prob #1 or 2
1. MSE says I have no viruses/spyware
2. Roomate doesn't even have a computer at college.
3. Nooooooooooooooooooo
Superantispyware + malwarebytes
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