Moving to ET Live?

Since ET live is coming in the summer, was wondering if people here will move to live version?
no, because
1) no dedicated servers
2) id doesnt listen to players
3) gtv would be killed by own3d streams
4) pay for supply.pk3
ET Live, wait what
QuoteAfter id Software makes Quake live a success, Hollenshead says that the company may extend the idea of free web-based games to other titles.

"Probably, the next thing would be Wolfenstein Enemy Territory," he said. "I think that box games are going to go the way of the buggy whip."


i'll try it :3 hope to get new mems like QL got
that news is from the open beta point of view, when there was no subscription model.

i dont have numbers to prove it, but from what ive read on forums, acceptence of these subsprictions have been pretty low.
No confirmation for that yet. I also doubt it ever will come as QL is not as successful (advert-wise) as they hoped.
I hope not, slac would get killed and people would be cheating hard again (if they're not already, dunno slac status tbh) :E
wont happen.
wait what?
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