Spotify premier

Can anybody provide me a spotify premier account? I can give you cd-key to some game. Contact me via crossfire. THANK YOU!
its 20hours per week for free right?
Premier? Do you mean Premium perhaps? That would cost money.
I can though provide you a Spotify Free account, which makes it possible to listen to more than 20 hours per week.
send me on sexyyyy
ofc hottie, gief email
i think they closed it? any invitation u send its gna be the shit one (spotify open) i think, i could be wrong tho

but i dont give a shit im a spotify user for years so ive got spotify free and almost no adds:P
I'm almost certain my invitations is for spotify free.
And same, been premium user for years :)
im not premium :D but i dont get that many adds, my accounts is one of the first i dont know if its cuz of that, but ive got spotifyplaying all day long and i get about 5-6 commercials the entire day
I dont care about the ads tho, im just premium to get spotify on my iphone :P
Hasn't Spotify been available only since 2009 or so?
hmm dno but i had it for a bit more than a year im sure:P id say almost two. or even more i don tknow,i just know i had it since the begining because my dad knows one of the devolopers
the years thingie was just meant to say that its been a long time
Yeah, it's been around for *almost* two years I'm sure, since I've had an account since 2009 spring.
using spotify open
i suspect a scam
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