enhanced members

im sorry i got way to drunk tonight probably wont be up at 11 am to play vids so good luck tomorrow we have 3 matchs good night. good night and thank you :) love you all

image: panda

hello friend
ok, i will replace you cause u suck anyways
alright, i wont play anyway!!
good to know!
enhanced players if you are interrested I can replace that faggot for some matches:) not avi today tho:(
Hi shaun!
why so mean ?:((((
lets wildcard, i prolly wont be able to play aswell
Thought I wrote a comment for 643 millisecond
he even saw some random panda's?!
Fucking nerd, I want to play tonight :\
scarzy and me? (if you delay it to 21.30 or later )
Might be a nice solution, but only if they agree >.>
lars ik mis je :OOOOO
hi shaun
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