
So my old copperhead is slowly dying and I have to start looking for a new mouse. I have a couple of options here and if someone of you knows which one is more better plz comment.

Steelseries Xai laser
Razer lachesis
Logitech G500
Razer imperator.

I've been thinking about Razer Lachesis coz it only cost like 60 euros and it's sexy lookin' ; )

thx for your advice bb
i think a logitech would fit you goot :PP (your name hihihi)
i think 60 euros for a mouse is still pretty pricey matey!
Yea well I got some extra cash and now coz I started playing again maybe i would spend some more money than I usually do : )
ah oke^^, i can give you my opinion about the g9 that costs 50 euros! combined with a puretrak talent its really comfortable
Razer Lachesis feels horrible on the hand.
So what do you recommend? none of these ones?
Well I have been using the mamba and deathadder more than my Razer Lachesis and Mx518
if you not using the mx518 send it to me please :)
Razer DeathAdder
mx518 or deathadder if it fits your hand.
Mx518 or deathadder if it fits your hand and you love the design!
go for ms 1.1/3.0, fuck newest deathadder 3g
I have a Xai and I like it. I'd recommend it, but of course most of the retardspurists on this site won't because it's a laser. Tracks better than any optical mouse I've had, though.

I mean, dunno if it says anything to you, but the lines I can draw with it are like the smoothest because of the good tracking. Can get drawing tablet -like performance in Paint, which would in my opinion hint that the sensor is pretty awesome.
kiitti tiedost! oon fundeerannu tota Xaita jo jonku aikaa kuitenki
had the same issue.
i ended up with buying Logitech G500 and I'm EXTREMELY satisfied with this awesome purchase.
but def don't go lachesis, it's a piece of bullcrap
i ll keep on playing with my razer copperhead
Once again I stress you to get the ms wmo 1.1. A) it still has got a very good sensor and b) its very cheap its only 15 euros here.
I agree, once you set the polling rate to 500, it's bloody epic.
Roccat Kone
Don't buy the Steelseries Kinzu ( just to inform you ).
I'm quite satisfied with my Razer Abyssus ( doesn't work on all pads ) & ofc the ms 1.1!
G500 for sure
ROCCAT Kone[+] is the best mouse atm but dunno if its comfortable for you
image: Razer3G_RED

cheap and all you need
lachesis is good but you need fat fingers to deal with it perfectly :P
MX518!!! :3
I have a Deathadder and can say it's awsome :)
I would buy Deathadder or MX518.

One of both.. depends which lays better in the hand.. if you like both.. get Deathadder.. the sensor is better. + the new version has a better cable.. meaning, it's not that annoying.

About your mice you've posted..

Steelseries Xai laser - good reviews i've seen for it.. never used but i would check it out.. the thing which can disturb is the laser sensor..

Razer lachesis - like said already.. feels idiotic.. Deathadder is better, + it has a laser sensor.. sometimes here are skips or so

Logitech G500 - could be an option.. even though it's laser the tracking seems to be good, you can change the weights.. and some say it's an improved version of the MX518.

Razer imperator. (dunno bout it, guess i had it in my hand and it felt kinda like a missborn)

But still i would say, go for Deathadder.. or MX518, with one of those you definately won't do a mistake :)
Go for the MX518, or the old DA.

Alternatively, you could go for the Zowie EC, hear it's good!
thx for useful information ppl! I think I know what mouse i am going to buy now :D
I am a person who likes to know everything (:p), which mouse you wanna buy?
Definately a mouse to which might be worth to buy :)
thx i thought so too :)
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