slac and multiaccount

i have one question !

slac multiaccount allowed or not ?
i dont think it is but i have one just to be sure!
why the fuck would you need another account?!
QuoteQ: Is it allowed to register multiple accounts or share your account with different people?
No. If you are caught, all your account(s) may get suspended.
lol i just made one for me and one for my brother is that bad?
Just tell Chaplja about the situation.
no you're not allowed if you do both will be banned i guess.
enilyks braindamaged or not ?
why in yae i see same ip with difeerent slacID,?
Because due to law, trakos can't show your complete IP, so someone could have the same first part, then a value between 0 and 255 for the last part. (wow is this engrish?)
it's allowed, I do it all the time ;)
Just do it, like Nike.
nooooooes u will get banned.
depends on the situtation, my request got allowed :)
Signed up as a fakenick, want to register my own nick now :(
you're sorted by guid
what's the point of having many?
MMMulti slac user!
you should only need one or ur a cheater
or u have family/ roommates that play ET ?
then YOU should still only need one account, if it's for another person it shouldn't be considered as being a multi account
yes i need one account, but because the accounts are in that case made on the same ip...
what do you even need a 2nd account for?
to cheat without getting a /!\ like u?
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