ET problem, sound probably. but what?

i just installed a couple of new VSTi`s and plug ins for Cubase (audio recording program) and now suddenly ET doesnt work anymore. i can connect on a server, but then first the sound starts to bug, i cannot do one single move and i get that typical windows error where you can send SHITcrosoft an error-message.
re-install may solve the problem (i hope) but is there another thing i could try before reinstalling it? my whole screen suffers from my bright cfg now haha

help would be cool.

also is there an ultimate installer available that works? last time i had a horrible time with it and did it on the traditional way (like you actually HAVE to do it 8D)

Posted by syndicate on Sunday 31st October 2010, 21:19

15 min no reply, not even a troll.... that community is dead :(
orrr no1 can help u ;D
if no one can help, then mostly they try just hatin :D
Solution: uninstall the couple of new VSTi`s and plug ins.
need them. pretty important... :/ then reinstall ET is a better idea....

but thanks for (obvious) input anyway : )
what are vsti's
Virtual Studio Technology Instrument. It`s a kind of "stand-alone plug in" that can be used in programs such as Cubase, Logic, etc to record music.
uhhm you could try to remove the autoexec config from your etmain folder + delete the profiles in etmain..

tell me if it worked :}

it worked!

Edit: NOT! :D
have the same problem :DD
goes fast! did it myself - took me 10 min, plus you have a clean working ET again with no skinshitpacks and other crap.

and if you dont like downloading: you can keep all your .pk3 ofc. just backup em. and reply in german.

:PP wie auch immer, ist wohl ok so weil die cfg ja immer gebackuped wird :P
: ) mach einfach.. :DD

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