5 a.m.

great...have to wake up at 5 a.m.... in 3hours 30 minutes and cant fucking sleep olo :D

will be an awesome day at work :)
hmmm,well,crossfire browsing wont help you fall asleep for sure :D
well, maybe one of the reason is, that i am chating with a girl since hours and i've finally made it that she is going to visit me at friday^^
hmm,maybe then you should stop complaining you can sleep,uh? :D
well, that's a tricky situation man... :D
I would feel happy now that you got her and with those feelings you can close your eyes and go sleeeeep.<3
bad idea, even 2 hour sleep will give more energy to run..
call in sick now, say you've had trick or treaters terrorising your house and you've just called the police so you don't think you'll be going bed anytime soon.

ye, i would like to...too bad that right now i am in the preparings for my final exams at my apprenticeship ^^
would one day make that much difference? How much can you learn in one day? Especially when you don't even have enough energy to concentrate, if it was me I'd just have the day off, chill and relax. Plus, by having so little sleep and working, you're at risk of fucking your whole sleeping pattern up.
come on...don't scare me that much^^

It's true man. If you go work you will be constantly wishing you were at home, counting the minutes untill you go to bed, or atleast get home and relax. You could wake up late, relax all day, go bed late and enjoy it.

All that for a two minute phone call :D
boehoe cry more about your sleeping pattern
Can you even read you illiterate fuck?
Didn't really read everything , Only the part about "you're at risk of fucking your whole sleeping pattern up." I'm lazy:)
just sleep
same, but i dont have to work tomorrow :P
just watched streetkings , better movie than expected
call in and say: i cant make it today, i've been in a car accident, my entire family is dead, and im paralyzed. see you tomorrow.
he already used that explanation for 7 times, they're starting to suspect something
maybe he could use the "my aunt died for the third time yesterday" excuse.
last year, when i didn't go to school, my parents divorced 6 times during the year h3h3
like you can't do without a good night sleep.
Or get some dope if you can't handle
IM ALLREADY AWAKE for 38 hours.
You got 2 options: 1; you can stay awake the whole day long and drink alot of coffee/energy drinks and feeling fucked up on work or 2; sleeping a lil bit and wake up too fast and feeling fucked up in the morning and staring at your clock whole day long on work :-p. I would go for 1, cause after that you can sleep your ass off, hmmm that makes me wanna go to bed now! Good night or keep it up, grasshopper!
Just say that you are not feeling to well. problem solved.
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