Samsung Omnia i900

Anyone has it? Do you have any idea how I can do a network reset on this phone as it's internet settings is fucked? And any tutorials or whatever I can make this phone's internet work?

it's not mine and i don't care if its good or crap, and i'm not getting any other phone
Why you pick that phone?
Why would you use phone like that? Just buy new one
Should be in your preferences/network settings somewhere, don't have one handy to check now. Failing that a master reset once you've backed up your address book etc could work.

Only got Samsung tocco here :X
just simply can't find anything related to a network reset
tried a soft one, didn't work
don't want a master since teres too much info and im not bothered to learn how to back up shit ><
Windows Phone 7 is the way forward.
reset to fabric settings
I say sell it and buy HTC Desire..own it n it pwnz \m/_
i hate you guys
i would help but i dont have any idiot friend who bought this shit and if google did not help then i would be like the other idiots here. but at least i want to help you :DDD
i remember you were an oblivion fan, did you play fallout 3/ nv?
fallout 3 ofc, but NV not yet. but will surely do.
NV is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, it's so amazing i want to cry. GOTY for me without ANY doubts, and I'm seriously playing this game all day, can't stop
nice to hear, none of my friends liked to play it so i couldnt listen any good reviews till now but its enough for me. have to download... but i m not sure if it goes on my laptop... core2duo 2,53 ghz - 4 gb ram - 512 mb 9600GT vcard - win7 ? what do u think, can i play it to be enjoyable or should i download it for xbox (i hate so much the controller man, hate it)
i don't know if the game utilizes quad, because if so my pc would produce more power than yours. however if it doesn't, then you are just fine, as i have settings on max on "22 with some small stutters once in ages if there is something huge happening.
you will LOVE it, especially if you loved fallout 3, and from what i heard, even more if you experienced fallout 1+2 since NV is more related to fallout 2 than fallout 3.

i'm 23 hours so far, trying to explore EVERY bit of this piece of brilliance
Goto Settings>(Connections)>Operator Settings and choose your operator.. should work
the problem is it was a certain operator, and i had to unlock it since the person's sim had orange
but now in the network it only shows the old operator, and not the sim's new operator
oh, then i dont know what to do.. maybe ask your operator to send the settings on your phone if thats possible
I'd prefer iover9000
why would you need another phone if its not urs?
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