Best h'ween prank ever?!

Sup cf,

just found this epic halloween prank vid,
prolly fake, but still funny :D

So what do you guys think about it?
Also, did you celebrate halloween?
What did u dress up as?

image: 979004069_e5d934a966

image: Cold_sand_by_SusanCoffey
No Susan Coffey in Halloween costume?
Son, I am dissapoint
chicks are evil look at the eyes behind that cute face lies the devil himself!
Nice English!

It's herself, not himself!
the devil himself!
i always thought the devil was a dude,
since when is he a chick?
U got it from RWJ? I love him ;D
ye he's fkin epic :D
I just want to see the lizard fart :S
probs not fake, americans are dumbass, plus she is blonde
lol n1 :D
Lolled hard
Susan :P
hahah yeaaah boooiii pop dem collaz homayyzz
Freind of mine Dressed up as Micheal myers and made my best freind scream of terror when he saw him at his window :D
best h'ween prank was in movie world (Germany) screaming sieg heil.
isn't really funny and just lets you look like some dumb ignorant fuck
oké, one question. are u mad perhaps?
no, just upset
cool yes
wait! is that a fucking fake? omg !
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