your own record?

sitting infront of PC without sleep ?

(eating, etc obv)

my own record was 38 hours after that i was so exhausted i started seeing shit and some soudns whatever:D

yes im ultimate nerd

image: 129194576555920749
and hearing through walls on dm13
must be hax
2 months eating @ pc with redbull and coffee
38 also...then i got bored and went to sleep
11 hours and I thought that was much lol
58h on lan once
7-8 hours

No need to be jealous for the obvious superior master-race

image: umadm
Nyt heitit hyvän trollin :D
21 years
forever nerd
4 minutes, me is always hungry and sleepy :]
3 days now. Gonna stay here till Sunday.
3 days then i was fucked up for a few days after with disorientation and actually managed to feel like i was falling constantly while listening to while laying on my bed on the 3rd day was weird as fuck
Half a day or something? :/
41 Hours, then i felth asleep infront of my pc
40 hours, my eyes were red for a few days then
I guess 20h when I first started Baldur's gate 2 few years ago. But I enjoy sleeping too much to do that kind of stuff.
i did like 2 days too.. fucked me up xD
I guess about 20h when i watched SG-1
great serie :)
like 20-25 hrs @ lan
im now 3 days awake and just 1 our of sleep becus then i need to go to school XD
and im going to sleep tomorrow :)

but not behind the pc :/
why would anyone be behind the pc ?
true story
will do 70 hours. Will. not done that yet tho
about 72 hours I guess. Quickly go to bed when mom wakes up, act like you just woke up, tell her you woke up early for some mysterious reason, play pub and repeat. :)
Never had that since I'm not a nerd

However, I remember I watched the entire first season of lost in 2 days, and I was extremely fucked up, I could barley sleep and the mysterious whispering made me a fucked up man for 1 day

My point is you are gay ahi
ahaha i watched some lost season in 2 days aswell XD
And you didn't watch lost behind your pc?
You do know that still counts as sitting infront of your pc :P

My longest streaks were always games combined with new series.
watching it was with breaks ofc, i guess it was like 4 episode each time
but i couldn't sleep in those days (mostly wandering in bed and waking up early)
Well yeah, but imo short breaks don't count if they dont involve me doing something useful :)
50 hours while playing tibia
me? like 20 minutes, 21 if the last minute counts as I was already getting head from this random top model in front of my PC while it was shutting down (the PC)
15h max rofl
we are dealing here with people who absolutely no life
u missed a word aravi homo
fainaly sm1 called me arabi :D :D :D
check those guys in asia, they are playing in playing halls often 48 without drinking/eating, wihtout any breaks and fall down dead off their sits
must be at some point when diablo 2 had ladder reset. Then I usually played 20h a day and slept 4
Must have been 15-20 hours max, when I wanted to finish ME and then decided to watch the entire first season of SoA.

I've done plenty of all-nighters with chizz6l and witje though :D
maybe half a day !
2 days, while watching lost
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