Urban Exploration

Any of you bros into urban exploration?

Quote by WikiUrban exploration (often shortened as urbex or UE) is the examination of the normally unseen or off-limits parts of urban areas or industrial facilities.

Got some sites to do soon, just wondering if anyone else took part or not.

Me at some sites we've done (only local, old houses, probably worth £500,000 each if they were repaired).

image: 2u6z89k
image: 44786_156373601043909_100000138091230_557258_8075375_n


Hoping to go to meez's place to do a few sites over summer or something too. I can supply full picture galleries, if anyone is interested. However I do not have a DSLR, so the photos aren't great.


Some more photos I like:

image: swy8ms

E:Any other websites like these ones?
sexy beast :*
Mate, just suck me off.
What the fuck is this shit? :S
not alotta places for it where i live, seems interesting tho.
was an awesome forum somewhere with stories and shit about it
Whole Estonia is good for UE
especially Chernobyl
I guess its in Russia but both are same horrible shit-countries for me
Ukraine* and ye ex-USSR countries have lots of places like that
Yea Ukraine sucks as well, total wasteland
I like wastelands =)
:D:D Nice one trolling :D
i meant like my neighbourhood area, there are some places but you can't visit the same place 10 times
cool stuff
i did that with my friends when i was 10 , it was called "roaming around" back then
Some pictures I've made during Urban Exploration

Nice snaps man, camera?
Sony F828, my old one, now I'm with Canon EOS 5D
Nice man, hoping to get a DSLR when/if I get a job :)
I only went once back in 2007. It was more of a "who has bigger balls" because there was some dark rumours about that place, some of which are true. (Drug users use it to get their fix ect!)

We bottled it in the dark and went back 2 days later.The only snaps I got were of me and my ex on my old phone. If I find my phone ill send them on because this place was ingreat condition and its apperntly in good nick now. (no chav's wrecking it or anything) its just general wear and tear from such an old building.
Yeah, the houses I visited had chavs in (prior to boarding them up), found a sleeping bag in the first one.

image: 2q86jbl
image: 2bv8yb

Second one is ironic as fuck :D
hope you didnt take the sleeping bag :-o
lol they play cod4 in there?
If your ever down in Surrey go to Epsom Mental asylm. Its abandoned and it honestly reminds me of 28 days later where a hospital has been left almost un-touched. Desks and bed still in there. Creapy as fuck at night!
There is one in Preston too, I think. :)
Sounds like free lodging.
You know I'm into urbex scarzym8 :PPP

£500k isn't a lot l0L
Aright, captain country.
squat that shit
iam doing that kinda stuff too sometimes, but why the fuck do you take pictures and put them on the inet?
i like to watch photo/video reports about abandoned houses and territories...never done it myself tho
you need to clean ur pants after urban exploration
Do not diss my jazz pants.

image: 38027_1554816032883_1309656559_31530547_6199230_n
Had to make some sort of musicvideo for school some years ago, we went to an old complex where old ppl used to live. Smashed the whole place , kicking off the sinks, mirror, throwin chairs through the windows etc. Was alot of fun :D
Judging by your pants it's extremely rewarding.

image: 2u6z89k
All that time alone with perfo in a channel is affecting you, Shuki.
Oh my fucking god I love this journal 5/5
Seems like you've got jeans dedicated to this. :D
go to hashima, a whole abandoned city in japan:D

image: Hashima076
image: 10
image: hashima
image: 31Z30053

I've done churches. Churches have a LOT of bird shit. Not cool.
Still haven't seen these photos, meezm8
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