
This is a sad day and I want to share my pain with the only ppl I have.. the ppl on!

I put moniveto:
1. Ässät 3,4 - 3,4 KalPa
2. SaiPa 2,3 - 1,2 Blues
3. Kärpät 2,3 - 1,2 HPK

60:00 Ässät 4 - 3 KalPa ___ :)
60:00 Kärpät 3 - 1 HPK ____ :) :) :)
49:40 Petri Lammassaari (Blues) 3-3 (Stephane Veilleux, Stefan Öhman)
-> My winning: 682€ 0€

image: dawson-crying
I feel sorry for u : (
frop please delete
omg delete, this journal doesnt make sense
so you're joel
Your journal has been deleted!
Sent by Crossfire on Tuesday 2nd November 2010, 20:19

Frop has just deleted your journal;
Wheres my profile??

Reason: Nice try, but no cigar.
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Seanza has just deleted a comment you made here.
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Fuckin blues piece of shit seriously! And lammassaari kan die
Frop delete , cuz you always delete my post that are more important than this post of a fintard
frop is a serious faggot.. even@ minecraft
u not serious? u awesome. goot pic :D
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