GamersCall Competition!

Unlike most attentionwhores would do, I place this in the journal section. I do require your attention, but please consider my good move of actually making a journal of this announcement instead of filling the other news section with crap like most 2 week-team-attentionseekers would do.

This is no news about a team of any sorts though. And it's completely unrelated to ET.

I and a friend have since a long time back been interested in gaming and it's many different aspects. We've recently started to fiddle on our own games, but we also run a quite big project besides attending university and actually playing games.

This project is called GamersCall. I've mentioned it before here at some point, so you might recognize it.

What we do is that we basically do reviews, write articles, make top 10's and do all sorts of various work, all related to gaming.
With the help of The Group Thing, we have now launched our new site.

(So, below is like, the real announcement.)

image: gamerscall_logo

With the launch of this new site we'd like to highlight two things.
The first is an interview made with Joel Fagerlund, founder of Whiteout, a Swedish game studio. We've also made a little competition for all of you to take part in. I personally find the competition to be quite fun. So enter :D What do you have to lose?

As the site has just recently been launched, we know that there are a couple of bugs laying around to be found. You are most welcome to report these to us via our mail: gamerscall(a)!

Any feedback is welcome :) We are going to improve and make sure that there is always some readable content on that site from now on.

If you want to be able to comment on newsposts please make an account on
This is something we do not force in the competition though! All you have to do is to send in the correct answers.. But you can find out more about that if follow the link below :)

Competition - 1st Prize: Mafia II for a preferred console!

This is our first real attempt on doing anything like this, we are learning new things each day and hope that we soon will be able to run a user friendly and interesting site. Trial and error, eh? :)

Go here. Win Mafia II if you are lucky.
What FlexicaN said.
QuoteAnd it's completely unrelated to ET

Why do you post here :X
You do realise that this is the journal section? And I hope you do realise that there are several thousand of other journals which are completely unrelated to ET as well?

Ever seen a cooking journal for example perhaps?

This is at least about an interest which many share here, which is gaming.

I mean, you made a journal about Friday Night Lights. Why do you post here?
Because i'm bad at trolling :D ?

If you want something a bit serious, go forum :)
I'll attend if it doesn't require any registering to the site

Edit* I've only heard the first one and don't remember even where that one is from, so bit pointless to participate :(
No registration required.

Oh well unlucky :< The tracks are quite famous though! We haven't just picked random games, big titles.
let me know when the correct answers are available, I'm surely interested :)
Will do! (:
gl zymon <3
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