crap with binds

As im shit with binds i need some help.
I need a bind for when i press mouse2 my settings will go to 0.044 and sensitivity 20
and if i press mouse2 again it will go to 0.022 and sensitvity 6

Thanks for any help it will be appreciated.
sensitivity 20? :o
set bind "sensitivity 20; m_pitch 0.044; set sensbind vstr sens"
set sens "sensitivity 6; m_pitch 0.022; set sensbind vstr bind"
set sensbind "vstr sensbind"

bind mouse2 "vstr sensbind"

set sensbind "vstr bind" (or "vstr sens")
huh :D?
it will fuck up yr aim.
sniping mate :)
have fun sucking even harder
i would simple lower ur sensitivity but k
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