Back from the mooch...

Sock and Meez said i wouldn't, proved them wrong i did
So many stories to tell, mainly involving meez, which would you like to hear?
We asked for more jamiroquoi, didn't occur, why not?
Whatever happened to maroon 5?
'Meez is a total loser also'
DISCLAIMERimage: 10qximq this was not written by oneself.
i heard something of cars and fires
Tell us one about meez!
Welcome back! You should hit me up for a catch up soon ; )
i would like to hear you shoutcasting again!
It sounds like you are...


No, just on a high from the stories.
oh god and i didnt even tell you any of the more juicy and/or embarrasing things that have occured

also i should be in my 9am right now but im actually in bed; also i completely did not do any of my coursework last night
You're an inspiration. Though I think you should be following my path rather that of the illustrious Sock ;)
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