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whats the benefit of it?
do not engage contact with this person, he always wants things in return, more than they're worth! for example fortify crystals, market price was 7,5k, i made a friend price for 3k and he demanded them free because we played together + he got assfingered by a guy that got beaten up by 20 turks and he has an eyepatch aswell
? :D jij wil er ook een of niet!
fortify crystal ? you must be kidding ? in which server it costs 7.5k? lold
we played from the minute the server opened for a few months, so at the start yes, they were pretty pricey! Aquarius for that matter (atleast i think it was called aquarius)
i started from almost he opening, like 1 week later or so, and in Atlantis it did cost 3.5k afaik, and now started again, but with new acc cuz frogot the old one (sadface), and now its 5k
i was top5 highest levels before i quit ;-p top3 in power. lvl 95 slayer :x
fu :( i had a lvl5x champion(X:D:D:D) with some low hp and power, but now started a slayer again @ aquarius which i love, but its boring abit alone :(
e: you were full dex?
hmm yes i think, mostly atleast, the level 100 gear makes it insane anyway, those stats... + fortify 11.. gg
hmm, still wondering, why slayer has got the lowest power on aquarius lold, just checked it, and the highest slayer has got still the lowest of the 5 char, but he's -10 from others -.-"
check Nightfire's power or Ninje's when they're online. they spent 1000's of dollars on the game :p
1000 dollar for a game... they should be insane for real..
i'll check them :D sounds fun :D
lvl of theirs?
they're far over 100, probably passed 110 already :-p

is nerva the strongest hrtc perhaps? he used to be same lvl as me, i was in iDooM aswell, same lvl party etc. :-D and katak should be quite strong aswell.
katak 5th slayer, lvl112, nerva 19th hrtc, 6xxx power, but 2nd in level :D 115, 116 is max, Dracinos
btw, for slyr, what kind of pet do you recommend? i mean, str/spr/dex/vit ?
i used the Scorpio pet, i'd say go for a great dex pet, you'll need it in wars, pets other than that will just get raped in PvP anyway.
i hate to play for pvp, so i never really give much if someone beats me in pvp, but pve, that's what i'm playing for, scorpio is which level? tho doubt i'll get in these days, with my lv27 slyr :D
scorpio is a Zodiac pet, it has no lvl req. i think , mine was lvl 104 afaik before i gave it to a friend :-p it was one of the strongest pets around.
where can i get it ?
where can i check my power ? :D
i did crystallize my pet :( now sadpanda :(
found Nightfire, 14534 power, and the highest is 25453 for a hrtc :D
16xxx is the highest for slyr :D
Dat waren nog is tijden
wanneer gaan we quaken :-D
why matey :-(
Don't feel like getting rolled :<
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