ycn down?

Only me but it seems like most of YCN's products are down?
Reason: Sexual education is for schools, parents and peers, not Crossfire.

Frop, I love you! <3
its coz your are black
YCN offline is as good as YCN online.
for people with some low+ isp idd
Almost anyone I know complains about YCN so better shut your mouth!
Well, I dont blame them tbh, its just weird that i have 48 ping on almost every server in the EU, while I know people around Berlin who ping over 100 to Amsterdam :/
Their userbase proofs different :) Also the amount of people commenting about something stands in no relation to the actual satisfaction of the users. Unsatisfied always complain more than satisfied one cheer.
You can defend it all the way you want to, but I know it's simply a shit hoster.
Hello. Are you another unhappy customer of YCN? If you are, then did you ever tried to contact support over there to ask about the problem/issue of yours?
"Another", that's the right way to say that. But not a paying customer no, but I used to play on many YCN servers and I had massive lags on all of these, even on those from Germany. And that's what dozens of other people told me too.
Guess it was back then some years ago, when there were some issues with instabilities. Those got fixed. The current issue is more like ISP related, since they are getting DDOSd. And the current DE ISP will be replaced in december since they really are not that good.
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