Barca = no red!

I was watching the FC København vs. FC Barcalona game last night and out of no where Victor Valdés come out "kung fu fighting/MMA" style with a knee to Dame N'Doyes face. I do not cheer for or like any of the involved teams, but how on earth did Valdés not get a red card, but was awarded a free kick instead?

Here's teh video:
becuze soccer sucks -__________-
it's called football and it does not suck
Real men play ice hockey!
doesn't stop them from enjoying football :)
that's because fins are shit at football :p
Nobody cares of football, just Ice hockey!
no surprise that you're good at icehockey since almost no other european country gives a fuck about it while everyone just cares about football :p
bought ref
lost 30€
thanks barca!
because he is from barca ofco. and maybe it was a lil compensation for what happend to puyol, got bitch slapped
ofc red
there is a new admin deleting shit for no reason, what was your reply?? apparently saying nigel de jong makes retarded tackles/charges is offensive. or maybe it was the fact i said he deserved to die, which i still think since this kid has no respect for other people and doesnt care about possibly ruining their careers.

have fun Frop, apparently having an opinion isnt allowed.
guess cuz it was cuz u used nigger, OMG OMG, anyways said, 5?? only remember 2
3 with NL, 2 in league
usa, australia, spain, the latest one with man city and another one last season
only seen the xabo alonso and the ben arfa ones o:
he didnt hit him very hard
If this is the biggest problem in the world, then lets discuss about it.
nub ref
wasn't a red card tbh,
and still Real Madrid > farselona
I like it how I dont understand a single word from the commentator - but I do understand the "Toni Schuhmacher" reference. :)

...very ugly foul. Should hv gotten him a red card for sure.
It was agasint france. Unbelievable that the ref dont give a red card to shumacher.
Yeah - I know. Thats why I actually understood it.

Poor Battiston...was very ugly by Schuhmacher, who was a very fair player overall.
becouse hes black ofc
well, he played the ball, but surely it looked bad. Guess the refs just didn't see it well
even in austria there were way brutaler fouls without red card.. not even yellow card...
because the keeper was playing the ball

for example:
several bones including the nose were broken
and fuck austria wien !! the purple fuck of vienna !!

another brutal foul without a red card in austria
I think the first one of dudilica is different actually.. He's still in his zone where he can touch the ball with his hands so you could say he interferes as goalie whereas valdes interferes like a regular player..I don't know if you'll understand what I mean but anyway ;D
yes i know what u mean.. but i think he could have done it without knocking the player down.... and what u dont see on the video is: the keeper was smiling after he did that
the guy vs didulcia sure has a headache, but its no red
Then in that case indeed it's kind of bad but you understood what I meant why this case is different than valdez' one :)
football ref = fail
It's Barcalona, they refs don't tend to carry one in their games sorry!
he went for the ball. all the 3 guys had their eyes on the ball only. shit happens. ref did the right thing.
das ist nicht dein ernst oder? :D
selbst wenn er den ball getroffen hätte (schwer zu beurteilen, so wie der ball wegfliegt glaub ich eher dass er ihn irg.wie random mit nem körperteil irg.wie getroffen hat, auf jeden fall mehr gegner als ball getroffen), wäre das immer noch ne inta rote karte. der darf nie und nimmer so reingehn. und v.a. nicht außerhalb seiner zone
instant red .. or ATLEAST yellow card
no red card, the guy is faking a bit.
he dont hit him in the face + a few min later he was fit again like nothing happend
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