Photoshopers ? (Warcraft 3)

Hey !

I'm making my own WarCraft 3 Map. And now I need custom minimap image for it, and my own photoshopskillz sucks monkey's balls. So I thought that maybe here are some photoshopers ?

So what I need is ..

- 128x128 or 256x256 pixels in size (prefer 128x128, will make my map
a lot smaller)
- format should be TGA format (but if u cant get it in that format,
its okay, I can convert it myself)
- Theme should be warcraft, maybe something about Defending castle, or
a picture where is like one Elf and one Human (see pictures below)
(In my map there is a war between Night Elves & Humans)
- You can also make something else, if you can make it look good :P
- Map name is "Castle Defence" atm, you could add it to the picture
aswell, if you can fit it in it.
- Picture will be added to map, which is played in, so feel
free to add your signature on it :P

Edit: Could also be the map Loading Screen, sizes should be 1024x768 or 800x600 then.



Elf 2:

Anything in return?
u get ur name to that map :p
need more motivation.
porn passwords?
And the bloody elfs and the dead army or sumthing like that i forget
Orcs & Undead. But they aint part of my map :p Or undeads actually are, but still :P
Yeah is a nice game
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