I am le mad

Tonight, when i was sleeping, something weird happened. I texted my gf before going to sleep, but my cellphone on my night cabinet and went to sleep. This morning, i wake up and try to look at messages. BOOM cellphone screen is fucked. showing things in a haze, 4x and upside down. WTF IS THIS???? how can it just go like that over night wtf is this shit. Im gettin ready to go to the store now and give 'm hell. 2nd cellphone in over a year first was 270euros, this one was 160..
I am so pissed atm.
underground waters fucked it up :D
i sleep on the 2nd floor :<
well in any case it something mystical. so just buy some candles and sacrifice a goat, that should do it :)
It's haunted. Definitely.
probably because you never used it before texting your mother just made it think WOW IM BEING USED and got an overdose of joy -> crashed, just give the phone the time to get used to idea -> send another text !

:D funny. No seriously i text a lot so the overdose of joy theory isnt working :<. + its hard to send another text when you can't read whats on the screen. well when there is no screen to be precise.
lick the screen , it wants attention. :-D i seriously am bored here at work, no assignments :-( sorry :-(
paranormal activity 3
Next time, dont smash the fucking phone, it cant handle that rough shit, geez

2 phones in a year, u must be very bad with phone
where does it say smash :|
so basically, you should have bought a Nokia and now karma is coming back to get you

learn your lesson bro
made me laugh
me mad too, fined 150€ by five-o
god damn coppers!
Probably jizzed on it.
The phone preferred suicide over another day with you
law abiding citizen :)
image: gerard-butler

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