if you hate cod4, dont open :D

I'm sure lots of people hear have seen the new mazarini/paradox cod4 movie? Just watched it, frags are pretty good, but the editing is amazing. Opinions? :D
do you have the link to my virginity?
oops :D havent been on crossfire in a little while :p
I almost jizzed on my keyboard
If it's still on it, wanna sell?
How much are you willing to pay?
Don't do it... he's gonna make a baby of the DNA you left on the keyboard and let you pay alimony for 14 babies!!11
Saved my life.
awesome 3d editing, frags were good but not much
I'm sure lots of people hear have seen the new mazarini/paradox cod4 movie?
I actually, from all the rave reviews, expected better, I found Paradox's frags for the most part to be to fast, thrown together and not always the greatest scenes, we know hes capable of some phenomenal stuff. I don't know how I feel about it, the amount of work he put in obvious and I do applaud him for that. Do I think it was necessarily the best product that could have come out of his dedication? I'm not sure : /
its so fast cuz its synched to the music
Well duh, what I am saying is, I think Paradox coulda been given more screentime than only a few fills when a song had a more intense part that was easily synced to.
amazing edit, content was shit bar paradox's frags imo.

seemed like a showcase for his 3d work more than a fragmovie
well i think, cod'ers like to put that 3d crap in their movies, but usually its so random and it sucks, maza made it pretty well into the movie and it fit. also editiing wise and synching wise it was really, great + the frags were still visible and the movie was followable ":D" wich is often a problem in those overedited cod movies.
stupendous movie!
if only it had been 1 second longer!! damnit
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