mIRC v6.34 + NNScript

Well i got some problems with this version of irc + the script that im using. Since im using it for some time now, the trial period passed and it worked fine till now, when i cant login into irc anymore and only option i got left is "Exit". i tried to restart irc, restart my pc, and its still the same.

image: irc-1

[image: 10861_1280142649587_1410660311_30806477_3149536_n
I wont help you
just keep starting IRC, i have the same but it works most of the time
Sometimes I think that more and more people come and ask Crossfire befour going and ask Google about there problems. Crossfire > Google

just keep restarting it like saken said mate!

it works for me after max 6 times :DD
Register! 10$ don't hurt. Also search function might help you. There were like 48936 journals about it already.
im poor buy me account for 10$ it won't hurt.
Think to yourself , what would jesus do.
go work yourself.
cba, i work enough at school 9hours a day, five days a week ....
so? no excuse. I did the same ;p working after 9 hours of school ^^
your crazy :D
just keep starting IRC, KamZ said saken has the same but it works most of the time
lol, hahaha
I use Trillian for IRC, but it isn't as good as mIRC.
just keep starting IRC, taZyaa said that KamZ said saken has the same but it works most of the time
start -> run -> regedit -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> software -> mIRC -> delete "LastRun"
start -> run -> regedit -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> software -> mIRC -> delete "LastRun"
just keep starting IRC,imnotNewbcake said that taZyaa said that KamZ said saken has the same but it works most of the time
image: nigga-please - fits perfectly aniq!! moahahaha !!
First option is buy it, if your a skin flint tight ass then try: start/run and write regedit

then folder: hkey_current_user/software/Mirc and delete folder "Last run"
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