This calls for celebration

File: autoexec.cfg

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My world-wide famous cfg has been downloaded 250 times from, you can find the download-link from my profile

Pic ofc not related

image: fascinating

In other news, Lambs-meeting starting in few hours!!!

Pic heavily related

image: lambs

Also latest Fallout-screenshot in my folder :)

image: screenshot29fzq
I downloaded it 100x :(
i dled it 69 times
ass slap iowa :D
just got cass and ed=e's quests done and now im finally done with the companions and i can explore harder areas (equipped with this machine)
Where did you find This Machine? I only have That Gun (blade runner<3) I mainly roll with Gauss Gun, Anti-Materiel Rifle, Hunting Shotgun and some revolvers.

Also, I kinda completed the main guest for now :( The next mission is the final one and theres no turning back so Im just exploring and doing quests for now. (most coolest one being GATHERING THE ENCLAVE FOR ONE MORE SHOWDOWN)

E: And oh yeah, Cass-quest was really great as well
i only just arrived to lucky 38, i haven't gone over that. i have shitloads of quests and places to explore (30 hours in game so far, lvl 18)
This Machine was an extremely easly unmarked quest found in Mccaren terminal outpost, named "dealing with the coentras" or something along those lines. it was ridiculously easy to get such an overpowered weapon
i'm currently using only the sniper rifle along with cowboy repeater / this machine for now, as it's enough. i have minigun, gauss (but i don't use energy so it's useless) and shitloads of more i stored in the brotherhood storage for now when i'll ned some fire power.
Please bitch, silenced Sniper Rifle and silenced Varmint Rifle (or Ratslayer) for the win. I used the cowboy repeater before I got the Hunting Rifle and later on them thar Sniper Rifle. Too bad the Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle isn't and cannot be silenced, otherwise Í'd be using that one.

I've got This Machine too for a while, but to be honest I haven't fired a single shot with it. :XD
Dunno what level you are but I found the Sniper Rifle for the first yesterday, being on lvl 29 :D They sold it at Gun Runners
I think I found one around level 21 or 22, but I didn't have 100 Lockpick with gear until yesterday (level 25). I was very glad I remembered that there was a Very Hard lock in the Sniper's Nest, hence the Gobi rifle. =)

They sell everything at Gun Runners, but the prices are ridiculous. Only buy weapons mods there and occasionally ammo.
Now Im lvl 30 :(

Gonna download level cap -remover
I'm playing it on the PS3 on purpose, just want to enjoy the vanilla experience. It's not like there are enough useful perks to go on beyond level 30 anyway. :XD
Yea, I was thinking to replay the game with different character, choosing different perks

Maybe a Clint Eastwood -cowboy who's awesome with melee/unarmed/revolvers
I suck at the roleplaying part in RPGs, I just go for whatever is most effective (and in my case that's stealing everything and using rifles for sneak criticals). :D
I have the ratslayer as well, and it's shit. Takes too many shots from far to kill and even that doesn't stop and I have to switch to a short ranged gun. Sniper Rifle I got when I was level 16, got it for 1k! during the This Machine quest. I have a Hunting Rifle but can't find mods for it so far.
I also have The Boomer and loads of unique Plasma rifles, but I don't use energy. I have the opportunity to get The Gun for 900 caps.
I think you only have a scope for the Hunting Rifle, but even then the Sniper Rifle slightly outperforms it.

A silenced Varmint Rifle is excellent for humans (Fiends and various other raiders) and smaller animals/insects, as a sneak critical headshot will take most of them out with one shot. The Ratslayer even has a 5x critical multiplier as opposed to the 1x of the regular Varmint Rifle.

I'm not an energy weapon guy, never really bothered using them in the previous game either. They're pretty powerful, but definitely more scarce and as such tougher to maintain.
yea when i cleared the fiend's areas i used the ratslayer to use criticals, but beisdes that it's weak. i have a sniper rifle so why not use it? i pump this machine or repeater when they're too close
i have shitloads of areas to explore though, the whole area near vault 22 and jacob's town, the areas above hoover dam (stupid deathclaws) the entier free side and the strip, and loads of areas to find around mojave wasteland before ill even try to continue with the main quest

same for the energy - sold most of my plasma / rifles ive found
Well, the ammo for a Sniper Rifle is slightly more expensive and scarce and most importantly even with the Jury Rigging perk (OP!) you can only repair it with stuff like Service Rifles, Assault Carbines, etc.) and those are quite hard to find.

I save my Sniper Rifle for the tougher foes and let my Ratslayer and Hunting Shotgun (previously Lever-Action Shotgun) deal with the rest. I've got shitloads of shotgun variants and Varmint Rifles in my safehouse, so they're a lot cheaper to maintain (as opposed to going to Major Knight or Raul and paying through the nose to repair the SR).
I actually do the same to be honest. I use Ratslayer the most, however I diss it off when I'm in a though areas. Also I totaly forgot the Sniper Rifle can also uses Magnum Ammo. I use the 308 or something ammo atm, lol.
I also have shitloads of shotguns variants and loads of Varmints.
I was exploring the Mojave Outpost areas and had to deal with some Jack Gangs and Scorpions, Ratslayer did it's job good enough.
When I'll head to the black mountain, no way I'll keep the Rat Slayer.

BTW, the storage house has Deathclaws in it, I managed to clear the young ones, but couldn't find the big ones. I don't want to randomaly while in game to spawn there and boom a deathclaw jumps to me. I can barely kill them. Did u happen to encounter in one?
Depends on the number of Deathclaws, but so far I've been avoiding the areas where they roam until I absolutely have to go there. It's definitely not as easy as in the previous game where you would only encounter two of them at a time. :p

Fast travel is indeed a risk if you jump to a point where enemies will respawn after a few days. It wouldn't be the first time I jumped to a location right into a swarm of Cazadores. ^^
Honestly, Cazadores are so easy to kill. I had Incinator and I burned the shit out of them.

By the way, do enemies respawn in the game? If I clear the Quarry Junken, they will respawn again? (Or, clearing the REPCONN test site from Ghouls, after a few days there will be more?)
It depends. After I killed Alpha Male Deathclaw and Mother Deathclaw from Quarry, I havent seen Deathclaws there. Some zones respawn enemies every 3 days.
That might explain why there's fucking Scorpions everytime I fast-travel to the Hidden Valley...And how did u kill the DCs? They are fucking invincible...
Anti-materiel rifle + sneak + critical hits.

Took couple of a quickloads -_-
use boone as companion and use the spotter perk, bam!
True, most outdoor wildlife, wandering ghouls and raider parties will respawn after ~72 hours (same as the stock rotation of most vendors). It's recommended to complete a mission in a certain area within those three days to avoid fast traveling into trouble.
Why does my Sniper Rifle only use .308 bullets? Is the .50 MG only for AMR?
Yeah, as far as I know .50MG is only for the AMR.
I've 11k which I have no idea on what to spend on. I already have some nice weapons and armor (got like 5 pieces of combat armor) and enough stimpaks for life
25K and another 10-15K of weaponry that needs to be sold, but like I said, I mostly spend it on repairs, weapon mods and rare ammunition (.45-70 Gvt., .50MG, etc.). The only useful thing to spend a lot of money on are the implants you get from the New Vegas Medical Clinic, I wouldn't spend a dime on anything else as you can scavenge most items anyway.
oh yea...they're pricey though, got a strength one as i couldn't use this machine correctly
seems fake >->
fake obv

e: using your cfg atm :ppp
Thats because I'm a great representative.
Well m8, I have downloaded it 150 times. You can celebrate with me
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